Script to:
- Download Yandex.Metrika Logs API data (source and fields are specified in source_fields.json file; Metrika tag/counter and token are specified in token_counter.json file).
- Upload this TSV data to your local machine clickhouse (in case ssh_path variable is commented in script code) or to remote server through ssh (in case you uncomment ssh_path variable in source code).
- You should have Metrika counter and access to read its data:
- Create OAuth Token for Yandex with neccessary rights for Metrika: and .
- Create DB and table in ClickHouse to load data there.
Config files:
- ch_credentials.json - login, password, host, port of clickhouse server to connect.
- source_fields.json - fields to load from Logs API and source (visits or hits).
- ssh_credentials.json - in case you need ssh connection to remote server (don't forget to uncomment ssh_path in code) - contains login, pass, host (remote host), port (22 by default) and remote port address to bind (default - 8123). Local port to bind is specified by port address in ch_credentials.json file. So be aware).
- token_counter - contains your yandex OAuth and tag/counter number.