Armstrong Numbers implementations
with different programming languages.
This repo are coding finger exercises with different languages using narcissistic/armstrong numbers. It is mainly about getting familiar with the different languages. You can also discover language similarities and differences based on the use case.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="info.lotharschulz.App"
mvn [clean] test
sbt "run-main info.lotharschulz.App"
sbt [clean] test
~ ;clean ;test # triggered clean tests
python armstrong/
cd test
lein run
lein test
prerequsite: lein-midje plugin installed
lein midje :autotest
tsc armstrong.ts && node armstrong.js
yarn test
yarn lint
yarn lint:ci
./gradlew run
./gradlew test
./gradlew ktlintCheck
./gradlew detekt
# installation - pip3 install mobsfscan
mobsfscan src/
go run armstrong.go
go test
go test -v --bench . --benchmem
gofmt -w armstrong.go
gofmt -w armstrong_test.go
cargo run
cargo test