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Coctohug - Manage dozens of chia blockchain forks mining from a web browser!

Easy Setup using Quick Start

Seek more help on our Website / Github / Discussions / Discord.

Quick Start

Common Settings

Advanced Settings

Best Practices


Setup Coctohug on Linux OS

  • Setup Docker + Docker-Compose
  • Go to site, then enter all the necessary form fields and download the generated zipped docker-compose files
  • Unzip the downloaded folders and copy them into your working directory
  • Run all the folders by order:
    cd coctohug0 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug1 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug2 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug3 && docker-compose up -d
  • Open browser and access WebUI with url http://localhost:12630/
  • Note 1: Do not start up more than 5 blockchain forks at the same time, since chia blockchain forks really eat CPU when node syncing for the first time
  • Note 2: Around 1.8G RAM is required for each blockchain fork, so choose some blockchain forks based on you computer memory
  • Note 3: If there are any issues, you may need rerun all the folders by order:
    cd coctohug0 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug1 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug2 && docker-compose up -d
    cd ../coctohug3 && docker-compose up -d
  • Note 4: You may need to add allowing ports from 12630 to 12700 on your system firewall settings


Setup Coctohug on Windows OS


Setup Coctohug on Mac OS



  • You will be prompt to set a password for secure settings, when you first time access WebUI with url http://localhost:12630/
  • Secure settings include: Cold Wallet, Coin Transfer, Restart Blockchain Forks, Harvester...



  • You will be prompt to enter the 24 mnemonic words, when you first time access WebUI with url - this is mainly for farming purpose
  • Or you can generate one totally new key - this is mainly for cold wallet purpose



  • Once node sync is done, farming should start automatically
  • Then you will be able to monitor the mining status with various ways




  • Summary tab can show: Total Mined Coins, Account Balance, Plot Count, Plot Size, Netspace Size and Expected Time to Win
  • each blockchain fork-panel in Summary tab will have a light green background if it is working fine, otherwise it will be light yellow background
  • You can also examine detail using other tabs


NFT Recovery


Blocks Found / Coins Received

  • List total blocks found
  • List total coins received



Mining Warnings

  • List possible network issue
  • List possible signapoint issue
  • List possible disk search issue
  • List possible plot count decreasing issue


Daily Report

  • Summarize Blocks Found / Coins Received by day
  • Summarize Mining Warnings by day



Weekly Report

  • Summarize Blocks Found / Coins Received by week
  • Summarize Mining Warnings by week


Node Sync

  • Node will sync automatically by default
  • You may go to Connections or Blockchains tab to examine the detailed status
  • To acclerate your node sync, provides nodes list and database file(click each blockchain and then you can find them on top right section)


Connections Management

  • List all node connections
  • You can add/remove connections in Connections tab



Wallets Management

  • List wallet status and account balance
  • You can also transfer coins in wallet tab



Hands Management

  • This is each blockchain fork workers
  • You may remove one hand when you don't plan to farm it anymore


Transfer Coins

  • Go to wallet tab and enter your secure password to transfer coins


Cold Wallet

  • Go to settings tab with your secure password
  • Export Cold Wallet Account
    1. Prepare a new machine(different with mining machine)
    2. Visit and click Wallet Mode to generate docker-compose folders
    3. Setup the docker-compose folders [Setup Coctohug on Linux OS]
    4. On WebUI launch screen, generate a new key this time
    5. Wait few minutes for blockchain forks restarting
    6. Go to each folder and execute script docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d
    7. Visit http://localhost:12630/, and go to settings - cold wallet tab to export the cold wallet addresses
    8. Confirm each address is correct manually by comparing the downloaded file with information shown on Keys tab
    9. Get 24 mnemonic words by similar terminal script
      docker exec -it coctohug-flora flora keys show --show-mnemonic-seed
      docker exec -it coctohug-covid covid keys show --show-mnemonic-seed
      docker exec -it coctohug-lucky lucky keys show --show-mnemonic-seed
  • Import Cold Wallet Account
    1. On your mining machine, visit settings - cold wallet tab
    2. Import the previous downloaded cold wallet(recommended on different machine) json file
    3. Wait few minutes, and go to wallet tab to see whether the cold wallet address is updated or not
    4. Note 1: we recommend backup your wallet configurations before importing
    5. Note 2: Only working blockchain forks can import cold wallet. Please check whether there are stopped blockchain forks or not before doing this. Surely you can also import later again when they are re-started
    6. Note 3: If there are any issues, you may need rerun all the folders by order:
      cd coctohug0 && docker-compose up -d
      cd ../coctohug1 && docker-compose up -d
      cd ../coctohug2 && docker-compose up -d
      cd ../coctohug3 && docker-compose up -d



Secure Passphrased 24 Mnemonic Words

  • coctohug-passphrase can be used to secure your 24 mnemonic words
  • It encrypt your keys with a password only you know
  • You can decrypt it with the password when adding new blockchain forks


Blockchain Forks

  • Check coctohug github every fews days
  • New blockchain forks will be supported very soon





  • One line script
    docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
  • You can also execute above scripts step by step
    docker-compose stop
    docker-compose rm -f
    docker-compose pull
    docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
  • In case of incompatible db issue, you can remove the existing database file before executing docker-compose start script by
    rm ~/.coctohug-web/db/coctohug.sqlite


Local Language

  • On top right of WebUI, choose whatever language you like most
  • You can switch to any other languages later if you wish


Hardware Requirements

  • Once synchronized, 10th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processors should be enough for farming 50+ blockchain forks
  • However for the intial node syncing stage, it really eats CPU. So we recommend setup 5 blockchain forks per group, and start group by group
  • Memory needed equals to: number of mining blockchain forks multiply 1.8G RAM
  • Normal disk should be fine for 50+ blockchain forks

Our Open Source Projects on Github































Trademark Notice

CHIA NETWORK INC, CHIA™, the CHIA BLOCKCHAIN™, the CHIA PROTOCOL™, CHIALISP™ and the “leaf Logo” (including the leaf logo alone when it refers to or indicates Chia), are trademarks or registered trademarks of Chia Network, Inc., a Delaware corporation. There is no affliation between this Coctohug project and the main Chia Network project.