2025-01-12 v0.1.6
- Updated cultures in Southeast Persia
- Removed Cultures:
- Indo-Parthian as it was a placeholder
- Romano-Frank as it did not accurately represent the conditions around Trier
- Helleno-Aramean, as its role is superceded by other cultures
- Significantly overhauled Amazigh cultures to move away from language and culture equivalence
- Removed Tashellhit, Tamazight, Riffian, Mzab-Wargla, Shenwa, Tacawit, Taqbaylit, Nafusi
- Removed Cultures:
- New Cultures:
- Mauri: Northern Amazigh of Mauritania Tingitana
- Numidians: Northern Amazigh of Mauritania (Dead in 476)
- Mauritanian: Numdian-descended culture that is partially hybridized with Romano-African, representing Mauri under Roman domination
- Gaetulian: Northern nomadic Amazight tribe south of the Numidians and Mauritanians
- Balasagan (Caucasian heritage, Adharic speaking) for the ill-attested peoples of Balasgan
- Elymaean (Iranian heritage, Elamite speaking) for the Elymaean peoples living in former Elymais
- Elamite (Elamite heritage, Elamite speaking) as the progenitor culture of Elymaean (along with Persian) (Dead in 476)
- Cypriot (Byzantine Heritage, Greek speaking) for the Greeks of Cyprus
- Syriac (Levantine Heritage, Aramaic speaking) for Arameans under Greco-Roman influence
- Chaldean (Levantine Heritage, Aramaic speaking) for Arameans of Southern Asoristan
- Seyansihi (Iranian heritage, Persian speaking) for the Eastern Persian settlement occurring in Khorasan by the late Vth century as progenitors of later Eastern Persian dialects (e.g., Dari, Tajik)
- Dranganian (Iranian heritage, Parthian speaking) for the various proto-Baloch tribal peoples living semi-independently south of the argicultural settlements of the Helmand basin
- Med (Indo-Aryan heritage, Paishachi Prakrit speaking) for the coastal fishing and piratical peoples of the Makran and Sindhi coastline
- Jat (Indo-Aryan heritage, Paishachi Prakrit speaking) for the lowland Jats inhabiting western Sindh before the Umayyad Conquest of Sindh
- Qiqanan (Indo-Aryan heritage, Paishachi Prakrit speaking) for the highland, strongly-independent Jats inhabiting western Sindh before the Umayyad Conquest of Sindh
- Changed Cultures:
- Modified 476 Israelite Cultures:
- Added Samaritan (Israelite heritage, Aramaic language) as a child culture of Hebrew
- Added Judean (Israelite heritage, Aramaic language) as a child culture of Hebrew
- Hebrew is dead in 476, uses "Strong Believers" instead of "Eye for an Eye"
- Changed aesthetics of Punic, Romano-Aramean
- Garmantian
- Added Xenophilic, Foggara Builders Traditions
- Removed Dryland Dwellers Tradition
- Modified 476 Israelite Cultures:
- Other Culture Changes:
- Completely reworked the Vandal namelist
- Added dynasty names for Roman, Romano-Gallic, Romano-Hispanic, Romano-Thracian, Romano-Illyrian and Romano-Aramean cultures
- Added many new name equivalencies and fixed some existing ones
- Traditions:
- New Traditions:
- Added Assyrian Traditions for Assyrians, similar to Aramean Traditions
- Foggara Builders
- Replaces Qanat Irrigation innovation for Garamantians
- Similar effects to Irrigation Experts from Legacy of Persia
- Autochthonous Identity
- Provides +20 baseline acceptance between cultures sharing tradition
- Enables cultural divergence even if culture head
- Makes it harder to promote culture if not Amazigh culture
- Enables Amazigh Confederate succession, and requires it for tribal empires and kingdoms
- Changed Traditions:
- Aramean Traditions (nee Levantine Traditions) removed same/different culture opinion
- "Mercenary Armies" is not selectable with "Malleable Subjects"
- "Independent Marauders" tradition opinion penalties are more generalized and negated for same culture vassals
- New Traditions:
- Culture Creation Names:
- Tashellhit, Tamazight, Riffian, Mzab-Wargla, Shenwa, Tacawit, Taqbaylit, and Nafusi are all divergent culture names
- New Faiths:
- Added Shamsi Paganism from RICE
- Added "Anunnakism"
- Models the more general Assyro-Babylonian paganism of the late Vth Century
- Assyrian Paganism is kept but stays is a dead faith in 476
- Faith Changes:
- Mazdakism: Before 493 start date, Mazdakism has different features (Mazdakism change in 493 not yet implemented)
- Has "Hedonistic" instead of "Asceticism" Tenet
- Has "Theocratic" instead of "Lay Clergy"
- Has "Male Dominated" instead of "Equal"
- Has "Dorustdin" instead of "Korramdin"
- The Magi are Mazdakism's religious head
- Mazdakism is available for conversion
- Replaced "Iranian Paganism" with "Mehrism" under the Yazidi Religion (Replacing Kitebacilweism) (Courtesy of RICE)
- Implemented some of RICE doctrines for Mehrism
- Retains mutually hostile relations with Zoroastrianism, instead of viewing each other as Evil
- Uses Tenents "Ritual Celebrations", "Megalithic Constructions", and "Sun Worship"
- Updated Jewish Faiths
- Samaritan, Haymanot use "Ethnic Religion" instead of "Chosen People"
- Ebionites have "Vegetarianism Required"
- Aghwank Church is Righteous and uses "Communion" instead of "Adaptive"
- Changed Gurzilism's holy sites
- Removed Meknes, Carthage
- Added Ghirza, Garama
- Maronite Church uses "Asceticism" instead of "Communion", "Righteous" instead of "Fundamentalist"
- Mazdakism: Before 493 start date, Mazdakism has different features (Mazdakism change in 493 not yet implemented)
- Added a new branch of Zoroastrianism (of the Good-and-Evil Doctrine Variety)
- Named Dorustdin (roughly "Orthodoxy")
- Is only available to faiths following the Magi
- Faiths view each other as Righteous and convert counties to their HOF's faith
- Behdin now view each other and Dorustdin as astray
- Zurvanism & Mazdayasna have Dorustdin, Afridunism & Khurramism have Korramdin, all others are Behdin
- Tenet Changes:
- Removed opinion buff/nerf from Rigorism
- Holy Sites:
- Moved the location of Takht-E Soleyman from Urmia to Shiz
- "Major" Wars:
- Major Wars are a new category of potentially devastating wars. They are wars for large amounts of territory and grand goals, and thus occupation damages development during these wars.
- Applies currently to Major Migrations
- Migrations:
- Major Migrations now cause reduction in development in counties, weighted by how many minorities the county has after migration
- The larger the minority (or majority), the greater the damage
- There is a chance that castle holdings of low development will be converted to tribal holdings during major migrations
- This is mitigated by certain innovations, and some are very important to prevent this effect
- This effect occurs after migratory damages are applied
- Major Migrations now cause reduction in development in counties, weighted by how many minorities the county has after migration
- Added "Amazigh Confederate" title succession law for Tribal Amazigh kingdoms, required for Amazigh cultures in the Tribal era
- Similar to Tribal elective, it has an additional bias against kin of the current claimant
- Has +25 Vassal Title Allegiance and 25% levy contribution multiplier
- Meant to model the somewhat fluid Amazigh tribal confederations, which would form ad hoc for defense or a specific purpose, then effectively dissolve
- Gave Aures a decision to become a kingdom as they declared themselves as such in 477
- Transcaucasia:
- Added two new counties and adjusted baronies
- Added Balasagan culture to Balasgan
- Made Maskut Persian and Mazdayasna in light of it being the main location of Tats in the future as well as the very limited information about the region
- Overhauled faiths and cultures in counties
- Overhauled minorities in counties
- Southeast Persia:
- Hind is part of Persia in 476, with a sizable non-Mazdayasna aristocracy under it
- Adjusted several holdings in Eastern Persia
- Kaikanans are properly tribal and in the correctly location
- Meds, Jats, and Kaikanans present for the complexity of Makran and Hind in 476
- Oriens and Asoristan:
- Added Annuakism, Shamsism in Oriens and Asoristan
- Made Baalbek, Gaza Hellenic Pagan in 476
- Made most of Syria and Palestine Miaphysite Syriac
- Adjusted cultures in Palestine
- Made counties under Ghassanids uniformly Monophysite
- Adjusted the borders of Kufa and Maab counties
- Reviewed holdings
- North Africa:
- A clearer split between Donatist/Amazigh and Chalcedon/Romano-African counties
- Minorities of both faiths blend into each other
- Romano-African spans the coastal regions of Africa, and most of Africa proper
- Updated holdings and barony distribution to accommodate historic polities
- Updated the extents of the Nasamones and Laguantan tribal confederations
- Unified Garamantes into a singular polity as blobbing is less of a concern on the CK3 map
- Made both the Garamantes and the Libyans Gurzilists
- Made Tingitana Romano-Hispanic & Hispanic Church in line with its historic links to Hispania
- A clearer split between Donatist/Amazigh and Chalcedon/Romano-African counties
- Others:
- Updated the extent of Helleno-Coptic culture in Egypt
- Updated Libyans in Egypt
- Added some attested unnamed wives of Aghwank rulers, linking them to the Sassanids
- Gave the Vandal Kingdom more accurate extents
- Touched up history of Abkhazia and government in 476
- Added several characters from the PLRE relevant to North Africa
- Gave the Romano-Moor successor states in North Africa a more careful review
- Downgraded most of the Mauro-Roman successor states to duchies instead of kingdoms
- Changed most of the governments of the Mauro-Roman successor states to more accurate models
- Most are High Tribal
- Aures and Altava remain as Sub-Roman polities
- Made several of the Mauro-Roman successor states tributaries of the Vandals in 476, representing the complexity in relations between the Vandals and the Amazigh peoples
- Gave the Mauro-Roman Kingdom of Altava a broader extent than in previous versions
- Ouarsenis and Hodna are high tribal vassals of Altava between 470s and 570s
- Some work on character cultures:
- Nepos and Glycerius were made Romano-Illyrian because they were born in Dalmatia
- All the popes and patriarchs are now have appropriate cultures to reflect their origins
- Macrinus, Aemilian and some Roman families were made Romano-African
- Expanded Nepos' Dalmatia based on a source, which states that it included lands between Drina and Sava. In addition, Dalmatia is now controls Lausa (Ragusa) instead of ERE
- Added historical governors for Asia, Lycia, Lydia, Achaea and Olisipo
- Roman family trees were completely reworked, with a lot of new characters added
- Added ancient Athenian nobility starting with the 6th century BC. The major figures are Solon, Plato, Pisistratus, Miltiades, Cimon, Themistocles, Pericles and Conon. In 476 it is represented by Theagenes and Nicagoras
- Shortened the names of Roman characters to one word to match the namelists. Also, some names were simply too long, breaking the localization
- Filed up title history of the Senate, Urban prefecture, Aegyptus, Syria, Arabia, Cappadocia, Galatia, Cilicia, Lycia, Asia, Thracia, Macedonia, Germania Superior, Germania Inferior, Baetica, Lusitania, Africa, Dalmatia, Pannonia, Sardinia, Sicilia, Bithynia, Achaia, Cyrenaica and Creta with the Roman characters
- Added a new bookmark "Vandals, Romans, and Moors" for 476, covering Northwest Africa
- Some new faith icons added, overhauled others for improved quality
- New graphic for Apostolic Succession and Autocephaly tenets
- New icons for Medio-Persian Traditions, Armenian Traditions, Kemetic Traditions, Jewish Traditions
- New icon for the Aghwank Church
- Updated Tenet Icon for Rigorism
- Amazigh cultures use Amazigh clothing if you have the "North African Attire Content Creator Pack"
- Updated some faith icons, courtesy of "Faith Icon Collection" on Steam
- Added a new localization for Patron Gods for Zoroastrian faiths (Yazatas)
- Added some new localizations in Transcaucasia
- Levantine Traditions changed to Aramean Traditions
- Medio-Persian Traditions changed to Ērānian Traditions
- Updated the Cultural Names of several locations in North Africa
- Fixed a localization bug with "Strong Believers" Tradition in the conversion window
- Added numerous cultural title localization
- Renamed "Celtic" heritage to "Insular Celtic"
- Added glossary tooltips to some nicknames for more explanation.
- Standardized the names of the Sub-Roman Germanic Kingdoms
- Fixed some typos
- Halved rate of minority migration and reduced growth rate by a third
- Set more capitals at game start to match history
- Rulers of Gaetulia are African Solar pagans instead of Amazighist pagans, aligning with the faith of their counties
- Tweaked AI logic so it's less inclined to change capitals if it holds both Rome and Constantinople, or if the Romes are to underdeveloped
- Ensured even in the worst case, county conversion will take around 50 years to convert even the most stubborn of counties, even with a dolt as a court chaplain
- Added on action to randomly spawn new senators every so often
- Hybridization is more expensive if one shares a Kulturbund/Heritage Group/Heritage Family, with costs increasing depending on how close the two heritages are
- Shared Greco-Roman Traditions or Shared Heritage Traditions give a +10 cultural acceptance baseline (as if sharing a language)
- Minorities:
- Minority growth & migration will not displace the ruler's faith and culture
- Minority growth & migration will not displace Samaritan culture/faith or Judean culture or Rabbinism in Iudea and Palestine Secunda
- Rates of minority growth/migration reduced
- Ethnic Faiths do not migrate or grow unless the county's majority culture is suitable
- Autocephalous Faiths do not migrate or grow unless the county's majority culture has a suitable culture or heritage
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug when interacting with yourself for Senate interactions
- Fixed a bug in Vanilla where in a Rite controlling 3 or more holy sites creates its own HOF instead of inheriting the previous HOF
- Fixed baronies having improper governments at start
- Fixed a bug with core tenets causing error log spam
- Fixed a graphics bug with the Senate GUI
- Fix bug with cultural title names for Sub-Roman Dynastic, Roman Dynastic Kingdoms
- Fixed a bug where minorities could usurp the majority culture/faith even if the ruler was of the county's culture/faith
- Fixed a bug where converting to organized governments during migration was available when it shouldn't have been