Production ready application forum on microservice architecture using approaches 12 factor application, DDD, CQRS, MsQ
This example is an application architecture plan with no explicit dependencies except for the ElasticSearch engine
Visual data model in the application
- Main database forum models => PostgreSQL
- Search Engine => ElasticSearch
- REST Server realization on => ASP.NET Core
- with ORM EF Core 7
- ApiGateway => Ocelot.NET
- IdentityService => ASP.NET Identity With OpenID => in progress
- Message broker => RabbitMQ
The project uses the CQRS architectural pattern with its own implementation
- RequestHandler
- CommandHandler
- Copy git repo to local machine
git clone https://lowern1ght/Garther && cd Garther/deploy
setup configuration file in /deploy directory
Execute docker-compose command to build and up project
docker-compose buid && docker-compose up -d