I added a small change that will allow you to quickly and easily customize the body of the email that the client will receive when you receive the order.
Change the file customer-processing-order.php
$currentDateTime = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("Europe/Kiev")); //place your time zone, you can find it on ~~ http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
_e( "Thank you for being with us!<br> We will ship your order after weekends.", 'woocommerce' ); //Delivery will be after weekends.
if (isAfterLunch($currentDateTime)) {
_e( "Thank you for being with us!<br> We will ship your order tomorrow.", 'woocommerce' ); //Delivery will be TOMORROW.
_e( "If delivery<br> Will be today", 'woocommerce' ); //Delivery will be TODAY.
function isWeekend($currentDateTime) {
if (isFridayWeekend($currentDateTime)) {
return true;
return $currentDateTime->format('N') >= 6;
function isAfterLunch($currentDateTime){
$currentTimeStamp = $currentDateTime->getTimestamp();
$timeStamp = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("Europe/Kiev")); //place your time zone
$timeStamp->setTime(13, 0); //change time in format "(Hours, Minets)".
$timeStamp = $timeStamp->getTimestamp();
return $timeStamp < $currentTimeStamp;
function isFridayWeekend($currentDateTime){
return $currentDateTime->format('N') == 5 && isAfterLunch($currentDateTime); //if it's time on Friday after lunch, then we use "isWeekend".