$ sudo npm install ideone-npm
var Compile = require('ideone-npm')
compile = Compile('API_TOKEN')
//Source Code to be compiled remotely
var sourceCode = 'print 3*20'
//Programming Language Selection
var language = 'Python'
//Input for the program
var testCases = ''
//'Run' routine compiles the code and return the answer object
compile.Run(sourceCode,language,testCases).then(function(answer) {
// returns compiled answer object
// Languages Supported by the API
compile.languageSupport().then(function(languages) {
error: 'OK',
langId: 4,
langName: 'Python',
langVersion: '2.7.10',
time: 0.02,
date: '2015-12-06 09:58:58',
status: 0,
result: 15,
memory: 9016,
signal: 0,
public: false,
source: 'print 3*20',
input: '',
output_encoded: '',
output: '60\n',
stderr: '',
cmpinfo: ''