Releases: lpsm-dev/docker-crypto-miner
Releases · lpsm-dev/docker-crypto-miner
1.5.0 (2024-09-03)
📝 Docs
- add gifs (6450784)
- change yoda gif url (bfe0aa7)
- gif location (809be33)
- important section (317f004)
- link refs (bfe5177)
- small title change (8ca1971)
- update messages (37d873c)
✨ News
- add commands (85c7a0e)
- add config .yamllint.yml (bef20c7)
- add devbox (6746619)
- add direnv in tool-versions (dca5c4b)
- add file (7ff41c7)
- tf organization (992fbb5)
🐛 Fix
- docker build alpine version 3.15.10 (7b574c2)
- Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (89a313d)
- extension file (f050af6)
- no-cache option apk add (1dd792a)
- release.yml (3f52a37)
- setup taskfile (d919e03)
- setup tf code (2f87715)
- setup tool versions (32380ab)
- setup yaml files (6c5171c)
- update tool-versions (82ef0ca)
- value secrets (b481a66)
- xmrig to 6.20 and others changes (0f1d70b)
🔁 CI
1.4.0 (2023-05-03)
✨ News
🐛 Fix
- Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (ec4a7b2)
- Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (33daa09)
- kustomize organization (9a3db21)
- package lock (a1a372c)
- remove folder (b13fe8b)
- remove yarn (7102f38)
- reorganize includes (40fc3ea)
- script (65032d8)
- script: change lines (59da95a)
- setup files (bcdbe62)
- terraform setups (c604ecf)
- terraform vars (b27c6e8)
- tf setup (feeb0a6)
- values helm (120f3ee)
📝 Docs
- add info (e063d2d)
- add more section (d09c531)
- add setup style (167a1dc)
- change badge icon (9a79ce1)
- change content readme (65502f2)
- change desc (9181145)
- change readme (93eb95e)
- fix call link here (9e3cc50)
- image size (d320980)
- remove security mk topic 2 (8dec243)
- remove topic (ce93451)
- rename image docke (07b7c80)
- rename topic (291187c)
🔁 CI
1.3.0 (2023-02-22)
🐛 Fixes
- call script and run (4849f57)
- circle ci location (bea75f7)
- helm-docs readme (a392ab8)
- image path (67449fc)
- job syntax running when (a8a128c)
- run script (002d127)
- script circle ci (e00d79e)
- setup kubernetes resources and configs (e9f15b3)
- syntax circle ci (6118d25)
- timeout circle ci (4cfca33)
✨ News
📝 Docs
- back buttom url (8fc1a68)
- chance principal desc (1a6e0f8)
- change message (7c9fb0c)
- change name (b476961)
- change urls (d3ffa40)
- menu options (a242f27)
- remove info (6b2d578)
- remove topics (dd58254)
- resize image (f12b758)
🔁 CI
- change name (ba83df0)
1.2.0 (2023-02-21)
📝 Docs
- call image (33920f3)
- change things (f99a8b8)
- final changes (eeb2e14)
- fix alt (2e96771)
- fix gif url (e89687c)
- remove link (030f425)
- remove topics (7117800)
✨ News
🐛 Fixes
- change gitleaks config (94720a1)
- change gitleaks setup (47b7af4)
- dependencies package (8ab520c)
- docker-compose and dockerfile setup (7518264)
- dockerfile and build (693b70b)
- gitpod tag image (10f90b7)
- kubernetes incidents in manifets snyk (7543ca8)
- kubernetes manifests and helm (bb2c87b)
- package.json formatter (eea9cb5)
- package.json versions (a4b74d3)
- remove dependabot (416b3ed)
- remove files, change readme and rename folder (35e5b27)
- rename cmake flags name (50ac914)
- setups files (c413fa9)
- var -DBUILD_STATIC=ON (313539d)
- workflows github (ee9fe3e)
1.1.0 (2022-01-08)
📝 Docs
- add basic k8s, tf and helm explain (d7cbbb0)
- add description (704f5bb)
- add helm readme (0359909)
- add inspirations (852bd7e)
- add randonx in description message (f136666)
- add readme in infra folder (53df8c9)
- add security topic and menu options (58decb8)
- change description (c1e1dd9)
- change donation message (ee7cb2f)
- correct if word (3daa59e)
- fix back btn (c159caa)
- fix location inspirations (4a110fc)
- fix random-x name (47b89f1)
- fix title message (f81d616)
- new command docker to show logs (f436182)
- remove cpu reference (d5d0761)
- thanks @rundqvist (cf59482)
- translate everything to english (76683d3)
🔁 CI
- add -DWITH_HWLOC=OFF (9c68639)
- add dockle step (08dea49)
- change version step dockle (a08ab14)
- only linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le build (f47d5d6)
- remove arm - amymy (4ee0344)
- remove dockle step (2178ab0)
- resolve build plataforms (5133098)
- test arch amd64 build (1020cf0)
- test build only in amd (8410f68)
✨ News
- add build script (6a6d43e)
- add chwon xmrig copy (7756b78)
- add helm-docs gitpod (660b9b8)
- add install terraform gitpod, setup scripts and readme (71982e6)
- add mult plataform build (2303151)
- add new build vars to test comp time (41ea791)
- add new params to xmrig build (244e352)
- add package libuv-dev (471681f)
- add var XMRIG_BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS (aeca91e)
- flow conditionals arch (a5f5af5)
- more dependencies in dockerfile install apk build (58bb80b)
🐛 Fixes
- alpine image and var build (f9c5d18)
- arm64 setup (cf3c6b5)
- call arch var (4adba30)
- call xmrig build extra args (985eb70)
- change bash (93ead0c)
- change check arch in dockerfile (8c1914f)
- change plataforms (f78a5ae)
- declaration of xmrig build extra args (8357652)
- dockerfile call from image (9ecb8d3)
- end line command (052d9af)
- export var check arch (175112e)
- flow check arch (0af903a)
- plataforms and if dockerfile (f2623bd)
- remove args build xmrig and flow check arch (455520a)
- remove dummy char (b2640a0)
- remove linux 386 (5b1492d)
- remove some build args in script (270f466)
- remove some build args xmrig (22b285d)
- remove var build (45cdae8)
- rename infra folder (ac47179)
- rename script docs to gen-docs (ce90c23)
- reorganize folder and scripts (9b55694)
- rollback var -DWITH_HWLOC=OFF (e4b0a3e)
- test ppc64le (04a891d)
- timeout build (d1125ab)