#U3.W8: "Git" Started
- Use git commands in the terminal
- Fetch changes from a forked repository
- Push and pull your own changes between your local and remote repositories
Most of you have been using the GitHub app to make changes on your repo and push them to your remote (on github.com) repository. Most programmers do not use the app, so in this challenge, you will be ditching the app and learning to use git from the command line.
Install git on your command line if you haven't already.
Read/Watch any of the resources listed below. Really try to get a feel for how Github works. Then make sure you use it throughout weeks 8 and 9. Make sure to learn what a commit is. If you make any mistakes, you can always revert to any commit, so commit often!
In your my_solution.md file, describe what each command does
Commit your files and push your changes to your remote repository using the command line!
Give yourself a little cheatsheet (in order) of commands you'll need to:
- Push files to a remote repository
- Fetch changes
- Commit locally