The getOrElse module implements a simple function which returns the first defined argument or if all are undefined a provided default return value.
I started to look at famous functional js libs like: Folktale or RamdaFantasy which worked perfectly but was really slow for my usecase where I'have iterated thousands of items. So I created this little module which gives me same functionality with less performance decrease.
yarn add getorelse
# OR
npm i -S getorelse
const getOrElse = require('getorelse')
// DEFAULT_VALUE can be any js object you like to return (a string, object, array, function ...)
// argument1 - argumentN can be as many arguments as you like to pass. Like plain variables or function results
getOrElse(DEFAULT_VALUE, argument1, argument2, ..., argumentN)
returnIfEveryLower2([10, 15]),
returnIfEveryLower2([1000, 8]),
returnIfEveryLower2([89, 999]),
returnIfEveryLower2([0.5, 0.7]),
returnIfEveryLower2([0.1, 0.3])
// will return [0.5, 0.7]
yarn test
# OR
npm run test
Create a issue if you like to discuss some of your ideas :)