Update 1:
SoLIM Solutions now can read GIS data layers in GDAL supported formats, such as GeoTiff (.tif), Erdas Imagine (.img), SAGA GIS Binary format (*.sdat). Currently, only the Knowledge Acquisition from map functions do not support other formats.
Update 2:
Purposive sampling has also been added to Knowledge Acquisition and Sampling Design.
Know problems:
Problem 1: Out of memory
Causes: This problem occurs when your study area is very large, or you are using very high-resolution datasets. The reason for this to occur is very simple, that is your computer does not have sufficient RAM to store the GIS data layers in computer memory. We are working on a solution to fix it.
Quick fix: The simplest solution is to divide the study area not smaller chunks and run the individual chunks respectively and then merge these chunks together once you are done with all of the chunks. One must be aware that there should be at least few pixels overlap among the neighboring chunks so that there are no edge effects between the chunks when the chunks are merged.
Problem 2: software crush when input character in the dialog
Causes: The edit box is not compatible with Chinese input.
Quick fix: change your input method to English.
Problem 3: software crush after right-click project item under windows 7 platform
Causes: The MFC view control might be edited by security software.
Quick fix: Change the visual effects to “Adjust for best appearance”.