Data, code and results from the research correspondence: "COVID-19 hospital admissions: Brazil’s first and second waves compared waves compared"
Authors: Leonardo S. L. Bastos (@lslbastos), Otavio T. Ranzani (@otavio_ranzani), Thiago Moreno L. Souza, Silvio Hamacher, Fernando A. Bozza (@fernando_bozza)
Published at: The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00287-3
Date of publication: July 14, 2021
Additional supplementary analyses can be found at Electronic Supplementary Material - May 27, 2021
Along with this correspondence, we developed a R shiny app to monitor COVID-19 hospital admissions from the SIVEP-Gripe database.
Access: SIVEP COVID-19 Brazil
The app is updated regularly with the release of new data using Github Actions (Currently, every Wednsday, 19:00 GMT-3 updates have stopped due to changes in data source).
Data used in the app can be found in this repository at input/app_data