This is a Print Plugin for macOS that takes the printed file and uploads it to Google Docs. The file is shown in Google Docs after it is uploaded. This means you can upload anything to Google Docs from every Print dialog in macOS.
Go to the gdata-python download page and download the latest version. Unpack the archive, and navigate to the folder in Terminal. Then enter:
python install
You're done.
First, install pip
easy_install pip
Then, install the Google Command Line tools over it.
pip install googlecl
Now, GoogleCL has a bug occurring when uploading to Google Docs. We need to manually fix the following file (replace 2.6
with the actual version you have):
With the contents from this file from the GoogleCL repo (click the "raw" link):
The Google Command line tools allow you to access Google services over the command line. To do that, you have to first authorize your computer to access Google.
Enter the following
google docs list
It will prompt you for your username first. After you've entered it, you'll get to your Google account page. Click "Grant Access" and then copy the bold verification code that looks something like x9rS2qPNUb
from the website.
Paste it into the Terminal again and hit enter. Now GoogleCL is authorized and will list all your Google Docs. Neat.
This repository offers a workflow. Copy the workflow
file you want to /Users/username/Library/PDF Services
. You're done.
The workflow is now available in the PDF menu when you print anything. From anywhere. You can now "print" to Google Docs from your Mac.
The original author tested this on Mac OS X 10.6.7 in 2012. The scripts in the workflows are written to use GoogleCL from /usr/local/bin/google
. If that path changes, you might want to manually adjust the scripts.
The script to upload the file was originally written by Daniel Simmons, dan at I made some minor adjustments.