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Releases: lsst-sqre/safir


25 Feb 01:57
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Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Safir now requires a minimum Python version of 3.12.

New features

  • Added number field to GitHubCheckRunPrInfoModel to capture the pull request number in GitHub check events

9.3.0 (2025-02-11)

What's Changed

  • DM-49036: Increase minimum Python version to 3.12 by @rra in #384
  • DM-48838: Add explicit override decorators by @rra in #377
  • DM-49036: Switch to new syntax for generics by @rra in #385
  • DM-49036: Use type instead of TypeAlias by @rra in #386
  • DM-49117: Add number to GitHubCheckRunPrInfoModel by @fajpunk in #387
  • Prepare 10.0.0 release by @fajpunk in #388

Full Changelog: 9.3.0...10.0.0


12 Feb 00:24
@rra rra
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New features

  • Add new register_create_hook_for_test method on the mock Kubernetes API that allows the caller to register a callback that is called whenever an object of a given kind is created.
  • Add create, delete, read, and list (with watches) support for ServiceAccount objects to the mock Kubernetes API.

Bug fixes

  • Declare Safir functions returning async generators with a return type of AsyncGenerator, not AsyncIterator. In most situations this does not matter, but AsyncGenerator has additional methods (such as aclose) that AsyncIterator does not have and is therefore more correct.

What's Changed

  • Update google-cloud-storage requirement from <3 to <4 in /safir by @dependabot in #369
  • DM-48760: Simplify if underlying exception has no message by @rra in #370
  • DM-48819: Use AsyncGenerator over AsyncIterator by @rra in #371
  • DM-48838: Add ServiceAccount to Kubernetes mock by @rra in #372
  • Remove TypeAlias in retry_async_transaction by @rra in #373
  • DM-48838: Add object creation callbacks to Kubernetes mock by @rra in #374
  • DM-48838: Switch to StrEnum by @rra in #375
  • DM-48838: Convert more enums to StrEnum by @rra in #376
  • DM:48838: Add all to safir.sentry._exceptions by @rra in #378
  • DM-48838: Use current_datetime in fewer places by @rra in #379
  • DM-48838: Move model_config to the start of classes by @rra in #380
  • DM-48838: Minor editing of the Sentry documentation by @rra in #381
  • DM-48838: Avoid sqlalchemy.future by @rra in #382
  • DM-48838: Prepare 6.3.0 release by @rra in #383

Full Changelog: 9.2.0...9.3.0


22 Jan 17:14
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New features

  • Sentry instrumentation helpers

  • Allow the encryption key to be passed to safir.redis.EncryptedPydanticRedisStorage as a pydantic.SecretStr instead of str. This allows easier integration with secrets that come from Pydantic-parsed settings.

What's Changed

  • Update pre-commit dependencies by @rra in #364
  • Update kubernetes-asyncio requirement from <32 to <33 in /safir by @dependabot in #363
  • DM-48408: Fix documentation of database initialization by @rra in #365
  • DM-48101: Sentry helpers by @fajpunk in #366
  • DM-48495: Allow SecretStr for EncryptedPydanticRedisStorage by @rra in #367
  • Prepare 9.2.0 release by @fajpunk in #368

Full Changelog: 9.1.1...9.2.0


18 Dec 23:44
@rra rra
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Bug fixes

  • Unset the ssl.VERIFY_X509_STRICT flag in SSL contexts used for Kafka connections. Python 3.13 enables this flag by default, and the current certs that Strimzi generates for these Kafka endpoints are missing an Authority Key Identifier, which prevents connections when the flag is set.

What's Changed

  • DM-48199: Update comment for Sphinx Path exclusion by @rra in #360
  • DM-48214: Unset ssl.VERIFY_X509_STRICT flag on Kafka SSl contexts by @fajpunk in #361
  • DM-48199: Prepare 9.1.1 release by @rra in #362

Full Changelog: 9.1.0...9.1.1


18 Dec 00:22
@rra rra
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New features

  • Add new CountedPaginatedQueryRunner and a returned CountedPaginatedList model for services that want paginated database queries that always do a second query for the total count of records without pagination.

Other changes

  • Safir is now tested with Python 3.13 as well as Python 3.12.

What's Changed

  • DM-48098: Add key usage to the Kafka test CA by @rra in #350
  • DM-48098: Add support for Python 3.13 by @rra in #354
  • DM-48173: Remove now-unneeded Black configuration by @rra in #355
  • DM-48173: Update metrics configuration documentation by @rra in #356
  • DM-48173: Add abstraction for counted paginated queries by @rra in #357
  • DM-48173: Stop using JobService where unnecessary by @rra in #358
  • DM-48173: Prepare 9.1.0 release by @rra in #359

Full Changelog: 9.0.1...9.1.0


12 Dec 01:27
@rra rra
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Bug fixes

  • Fix dependencies on safir-logging and safir-arq from the safir PyPI module to allow the latest versions to be installed.

What's Changed

  • DM-47986: Fix dependency constraints on Safir modules by @rra in #352
  • DM-47986: Prepare 6.0.1 release by @rra in #353

Full Changelog: 9.0.0...9.0.1


12 Dec 00:27
@rra rra
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Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Rewrite the Safir UWS support to use Pydantic models for job parameters. Services built on the Safir UWS library will need to change all job creation dependencies to return Pydantic models.
  • UWS clients must now pass an additional job_summary_type argument to UWSAppSettings.build_uws_config and implement to_xml_model in their implementation of ParametersModel, returning a subclass of the vo-models Parameters class.
  • Use the Wobbly service rather than a direct database connection to store UWS job information. Services built on the Safir UWS library must now configure a Wobbly URL and will switch to Wobbly's storage instead of their own when updated to this release of Safir.
  • Case-insensitivity of form POST parameters to UWS routes is now handled by middleware, and the uws_post_params_dependency function has been removed. Input parameter dependencies for UWS applications can now assume that all parameter keys will be in lowercase.
  • Support an execution duration of 0 in the Safir UWS library, mapping it to no limit on the execution duration. Note that this will not be allowed by the default configuration and must be explicitly allowed by an execution duration validation hook.
  • Convert all models returned by the Safir UWS library to Pydantic. Services built on the Safir UWS library will have to change the types of validator functions for destruction time and execution duration.
  • Safir no longer provides the safir.uws.ErrorCode enum or the exception safir.uws.MultiValuedParameterError. These values were specific to a SODA service, and different IVOA UWS services use different error codes. The Safir UWS library now takes error code as a string, and each application should define its own set of error codes in accordance with the IVOA standard it is implementing.

New features

  • Add unit testing support for application metrics. Tests can define a mock application metrics event handler and inspect it after running application code to see what events would have been published.

Bug fixes

  • Append a colon after the error code when reporting UWS errors.

Other changes

  • Render all UWS XML output except for error VOTables using vo-models rather than hand-written XML templates.

What's Changed

  • DM-47769: Fix pagination example by @rra in #344
  • DM-47769: Add documentation of CaseInsensitiveFormMiddleware by @rra in #345
  • DM-47928: Use case-insensitive form middleware for UWS support by @rra in #346
  • DM-47790: Switch to vo-models for nearly all UWS responses by @rra in #347
  • DM-47764: App metrics unit testing helpers by @fajpunk in #348
  • DM-47986: Convert the UWS library to use the Wobbly backend by @rra in #349
  • DM-47986: Prepare 9.0.0 release by @rra in #351

Full Changelog: 8.0.0...9.0.0


26 Nov 22:48
@rra rra
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Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Add serializers to HumanTimedelta and SecondsTimedelta that serialize those Pydantic fields to a float number of seconds instead of ISO 8601 durations. This means those data types now can be round-tripped (serialized and then deserialized to the original value), whereas before they could not be.
  • parse_isodatetime and normalize_isodatetime now accept exactly the date formats accepted by the IVOA DALI standard. This means seconds are now required, the trailing Z is now optional (times are always interpreted as UTC regardless), and the time is optional and interpreted as 00:00:00 if missing.

New features

  • Add new safir.pydantic.UtcDatetime type that is equivalent to datetime but coerces all incoming times to timezone-aware UTC. This type should be used instead of using normalize_datetime as a validator.
  • Add new safir.pydantic.IvoaIsoDatetime type that accepts any ISO 8601 date and time that matches the IVOA DALI standard for timestamps. This follows the same rules as parse_isodatetime now follows. This type should be used instead of using normalize_isodatetime as a validator.
  • Add new safir.database.PaginatedLinkData model that parses the contents of an HTTP Link header and extracts pagination information.
  • Add safir.database.drop_database utility function to drop all database tables mentioned in a SQLAlchemy ORM schema and delete the Alembic version information if it is present. This is primarily useful for tests.
  • Publishing a metrics event no longer waits on confirmation of message delivery to Kafka. This makes publishing much more performant. All events will still be delivered as long as an app awaits EventManager.aclose in its lifecycle.
  • safir.kafka.PydanticSchemaManager takes an optional structlog BoundLogger. If not provided, the default logger is a BoundLogger, rather than a logging.Logger.
  • Pass the logger parameter to safir.metrics.KafkaMetricsConfiguration.make_manager to the PydanticSchemaManager instance that it creates.
  • Add CaseInsensitiveFormMiddleware to lower-case the keys of form POST parameters. This can be used to support the case-insensitive keys requirement of IVOA standards.

Bug fixes

  • Correctly validate stringified floating-point numbers of seconds as inputs to the SecondsTimedelta type instead of truncating it to an integer.
  • Allow timedelta as a member of a union field in a safir.metrics.EventPayload.
  • Add missing dependency on alembic to the safir[uws] extra.

Other changes

  • Document how to test an application's database schema against its Alembic migrations to ensure that the schema hasn't been modified without adding a corresponding migration.

What's Changed

  • Fix two small typos by @rra in #323
  • DM-47262: Fix Alembic documentation by @rra in #322
  • DM-47262: Minor documentation fixes by @rra in #324
  • DM-47262: Add serializers for *Timedelta types by @rra in #325
  • DM-47262: Document testing Alembic config against schema by @rra in #327
  • DM-47262: Fix IVOA DALI timestamp parsing, add data types by @rra in #326
  • timedelta can now be used a member of a union field in an EventPayload by @fajpunk in #329
  • DM-47581: Add generic paginated query support by @rra in #330
  • DM-47721: Improved schema manager logging by @fajpunk in #331
  • DM-47771: metrics: don't wait for kafka messages to be delivered by @fajpunk in #333
  • DM-47769: Remove obsolete SQLAlchemy future flags by @rra in #335
  • DM-47769: Do not do COUNT queries for pagination by default by @rra in #332
  • DM-47769: Add LinkData model for parsing HTTP Link headers by @rra in #334
  • DM-47789: Update pre-commit dependencies by @rra in #336
  • DM-47796: Add alembic dependency to uws extra by @rra in #337
  • DM-47789: Reword change log for 7.0.0 by @rra in #338
  • DM-47789: Fix various issues with pagination support by @rra in #339
  • DM-47459: Added middleware for converting form post params to lowercase by @stvoutsin in #340
  • DM-47789: Make pagination docs friendlier to subclasses by @rra in #341
  • DM-47789: Qualify more types in pagination docstrings by @rra in #342
  • DM-47789: Prepare 8.0.0 release by @rra in #343

Full Changelog: 7.0.0...8.0.0


08 Nov 20:36
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Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Remove EventDuration from safir.metrics. Instead, use Python's built-in timedelta as the type for any field that previously used EventDuration. It will be serialized the same way, as an Avro double number of seconds.

Bug fixes

  • Support multi-valued parameters as input to UWS POST routes when the values are specified by repeating the parameter.
  • Declare that the safir.metrics package is typed by adding a py.typed file.

What's Changed

  • DM-47011: Update pre-commit dependencies by @rra in #316
  • DM-47027: Change ws_post_params_dependency to handle multiple occurrences of the same param by @stvoutsin in #317
  • Fix PydanticRedisStorage documentation by @rra in #318
  • DM-45522 metrics: native timedelta support by @fajpunk in #319
  • DM-45522: Add py.typed to metrics package by @fajpunk in #320
  • DM-45522: Prepare 7.0.0 release by @fajpunk in #321

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 6.5.1...7.0.0


21 Oct 19:20
@rra rra
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Bug fixes

  • Allow and ignore extra attributes to MetricsConfiguration when metrics are disabled. This allows passing a partial metrics configuration even when they are disabled, which simplifies the structure of Phalanx configurations based on dumping the Helm values into a YAML configuraiton file.

What's Changed

  • DM-47011: Allow extra values to disabled metrics config by @rra in #314
  • DM-47011: Prepare 6.5.1 release by @rra in #315

Full Changelog: 6.5.0...6.5.1