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Django project that serves as backend for the LOVE-frontend


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This repository contains the code of the Django Channels project that acts as middleware for the LOVE-frontend

See the documentation here:

Use as part of the LOVE system

In order to use the LOVE-manager as part of the LOVE system we recommend to use the docker-compose and configuration files provided in the LOVE-integration-tools repo. Please follow the instructions there.

Initialize Environment variables

In order to use the LOVE-manager, some environment variables must be defined before it is run. All these variables are initialized with default variables defined in :code:.env files defined in the corresponding deployment environment defined in LOVE-integration-tools. The are:

  • ADMIN_USER_PASS: password for the default admin user, which has every permission.
  • USER_USER_PASS: password for the default user user, which has readonly permissions and cannot execute commands.
  • CMD_USER_PASS: password for the default cmd user, which has readonly permissions but can execute commands.
  • REDIS_HOST: the location of the redis host that implements the Channels Layer.
  • REDIS_PASS: the password that the LOVE-manager needs to use to connect with redis.
  • PROCESS_CONNECTION_PASS: the password that the LOVE-producer will use to establish a websocket connection with the LOVE-manager.
  • DB_ENGINE: describe which database engine should be used. If its value is postgresql Postgres will be used, otherwise it will use Sqlite3.
  • DB_NAME: defines the name of the Database. Only used if DB_ENGINE=postgresql.
  • DB_USER: defines the user of the Database. Only used if DB_ENGINE=postgresql.
  • DB_PASS: defines the password of the Database. Only used if DB_ENGINE=postgresql.
  • DB_HOST: defines the host of the Database. Only used if DB_ENGINE=postgresql.
  • DB_PORT: defines the port of the Database. Only used if DB_ENGINE=postgresql.
  • NO_DEBUG: defines wether or not the LOVE-.manager will be run using Django's debug mode. If the variable is defined, then Debug mode will be off.
  • SECRET_KEY: overrides Django's SECRET_KEY, if not defined the default value (public in this repo) will be used.
  • AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: (deprecated) the location of the LDAP authentication server. No LDAP server is used if this variable is empty

Local load for development

We provide a docker image and a docker-compose file in order to load the LOVE-manager with a Postgres database locally, for development purposes, such as run tests and build documentation.

This docker-compose does not copy the code into the image, but instead it mounts the repository inside the image, this way you can edit the code from outside the docker container with no need to rebuild or restart.

Load and get into the docker image

Follow these instructions to run the application in a docker container and get into it:

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec manager bash

Run tests

Once inside the container you will be in the /usr/src/love/manager folder, where you can run the tests as follows:


Build documentation

Once inside the container you will be in the /usr/src/love/manager folder, where you can move out to the docsrc folder and build the documentation as follows:

cd ../docsrc

Linting & Formatting

In order to maintaing code linting and formatting we use pre-commit that runs Flake8 ( and Black ( using Git Hooks. To enable this you have to:

  1. Install pre-commit in your local development environment:
pip install pre-commit
  1. Set up the git hook scripts running:
pre-commit install
  1. Start developing! Linter and Formatter will be executed on every commit you make