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Google Cloud Storage provider for Apache Commons VFS -

From the website... "Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive."

Now Apache Commons VFS can now add Google Cloud Storage to the list.

The system will use your GCP credentials in the following way

  1. GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable, pointing to a service account key JSON file path.
  2. Cloud SDK credentials gcloud auth application-default login
  3. App Engine standard environment credentials.
  4. Compute Engine credentials.

Here is an example using the API

 String currFileNameStr;

        // Now let's create a temp file just for upload
        File temp = File.createTempFile("uploadFile01", ".tmp");
        try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(temp)) {
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);

        DefaultFileSystemManager currMan = new DefaultFileSystemManager();
        currMan.addProvider("gcs", new GCSFileProvider());
        currMan.addProvider("file", new DefaultLocalFileProvider());

        // Create a URL for creating this remote file
        currFileNameStr = "test01.tmp";
        String bucket = "gcp-ltouati-2";
        String currUriStr = String.format("%s://%s/%s",
                                          "gcs", bucket, currFileNameStr);

// Resolve the imaginary file remotely.  So we have a file object
        FileObject currFile = currMan.resolveFile(currUriStr);

// Resolve the local file for upload
        FileObject currFile2 = currMan.resolveFile(
                String.format("file://%s", temp.getAbsolutePath()));

// Use the API to copy from one local file to the remote file
        currFile.copyFrom(currFile2, Selectors.SELECT_SELF);

// Delete the temp we don't need anymore