IP tracker developed with Python using public APIs.
Clone the repo, open a terminal and navigate to the folder where is located the iptracker.py file:
cd path_to_the_directory_where_is_the_iptracker.py_file
Then execute for example:
python iptracker.py
This last command will track the given IP and get data about the country of origin, including languages, currency rates, time and estimated distance to Buenos Aires.
For help you can execute:
python iptracker.py -h
Clone the repo, open a terminal and navigate to the folder where is located the Dockerfile file:
cd path_to_the_directory_where_is_the_dockerfile
Then build the iptracker image:
docker build -t iptracker .
and finally run it:
docker run -it --rm --name running-iptracker iptracker
ip2country for mapping an IP to a country.
REST Countries for retrieving basic information about the country.
Fixer.io for retrieving exchange rates.