m3api-botpassword is an extension package for m3api, making it easy to make requests authenticated by a bot password.
import Session from 'm3api/node.js';
import { login } from 'm3api-botpassword/index.js';
// create credentials on Special:BotPasswords,
// then load them e.g. from process.env
const username = '...@...';
const password = '...';
// create a session
const session = new Session( 'en.wikipedia.org', {
formatversion: 2,
}, {
userAgent: 'm3api-botpassword-README-example',
} );
// log in
await login( session, username, password );
// make other requests, now authenticated
await session.request( {
action: 'edit',
title: '...',
text: '...',
bot: true,
}, { method: 'POST', tokenType: 'csrf' } );
There is also a logout()
By default, m3api-botpassword adds assert=user
after logging in,
but does not set the assertuser
Both of these can be changed using request options,
e.g. when creating the session:
const session = new Session( 'en.wikipedia.org', {
formatversion: 2,
}, {
userAgent: 'm3api-botpassword-README-example',
'm3api-botpassword/assert': true, // default
'm3api-botpassword/assertUser': true, // also add assertuser=[username]
} );
Request options can also be specified after the other login()
i.e. login( session, username, password, options )
and logout( session, options )
This can be useful for the m3api options,
but is not recommended for m3api-botpassword options:
using different assert
options for login and logout
will most likely produce confusing errors.
Published under the ISC License. By contributing to this software, you agree to publish your contribution under the same license.