This repository holds the insecure example design for an eCTF Satellite TV System.
- Firmware for the television
- This file defines project specific variables included in the MakefileMakefile
- This makefile is invoked by the eCTF tools when creating a decoder.Dockerfile
- Describes the build environment used by eCTF build
- Directory with c header filessrc/
- Directory with c source fileswolfssl/
- Location to place wolfssl library for included Crypto Example
- Host design elementsectf25_design/
- Host design source
- Encodes
- Generates shared
- Generates subscription updates
- File that tells pip how to install this module
- Example frame datatools/
- Directory with tool sourcetv/
- Sends received frames to the
- Tool to list active decoder
- Tool to update decoder subscriptions
- Encodes frames and sends them to satelliteutils/
- Host tool
- Interface with decoder hardware/firmware. This file should not be directly
- Firmware update
- Utility for testing
- Utility for testing decoder
- Broadcasts frames from uplink to all decoders
- File that tells pip how to install this module
This repository contains three main elements: firmware source code, host design elements, and tooling.
Firmware is built through using the Docker environments for each component as described below. Be sure to have Docker running while executing docker commands.
Source code and tooling is provided that runs directly on the host. All of
these tools are created in Python. Note that all example tool invocations
are written for a Unix based OS. Users running these tools on windows may need
to change some details of the command for their own machine (e.g. 'python
-> py
' -> 'path\to\file
', '-v ./path/to/volume:/dest
' ->
'-v .\path\to\volume:/dest
', '/dev/tty.usbmodem123
' -> 'COM12
The environment is built with Docker, which should install all necessary packages for running the design in a reproducible fashion.
When building for the first time, this may take some time (10+ minutes) to complete. Furthermore, it is recommended that you use a wired internet connection when building for the first time.
Host Tools includes everything in the tools
directory. These do not need to be modified by teams
except for local testing. Your design should work with the standardized
interface between host and Decoder hardware. The host tools will pass any
required arguments to the Decoder hardware and process all relevant output.
When building the decoder, the Makefile
in the decoder directory will be
invoked by the Docker run command.
In order to run the eCTF Tools, you must first ensure that you have installed
all of the required packages (ideally into a virtual environment). You can
install packages from the included pyproject.toml
file in the root of the
design and tools directories. This file should not be modified.
# Create a virtual environment in the root of the design
cd <example_root>
python -m venv .venv --prompt ectf-example
# Enable virtual environment
. ./.venv/bin/activate
# Install the host tools
python -m pip install ./tools/
# Install the host design elements as an editable module
python -m pip install -e ./design/
Optionally, shared secrets used by the decoder and encoder can be generated. A directory containing shared secrets should be mounted as a volume to the decoder docker image. This directory should be somewhere accessible to the decoder, host tools, and host design elements.
This will generate a secrets file for channels 1, 3, and 4.
mkdir /root/secrets
python -m ectf25_design.gen_secrets /root/secrets/secrets.json 1 3 4
The Decoder can be built next. The generated secrets will be available in the docker container at /root/secrets/
These commands will generate a Decoder build with a Device ID 0xdeadbeef. Build outputs are copied to the build_out
cd <example_root>/decoder
docker build -t decoder .
docker run --rm -v ./build_out:/out -v ./:/decoder -v ./../secrets:/secrets -e DECODER_ID=0xdeadbeef decoder
Note: If the build is hanging indefinitely, try restarting Docker. If that does not resolve the issue, a system restart should fix the issue.
Subscription updates are generated using the
The gen_subscription
function will be the only feature that teams will need to update.
python -m ectf25_design.gen_subscription -h
usage: [-h] [--force] secrets_file subscription_file device_id start end channel
positional arguments:
secrets_file Path to the secrets file created by ectf25_design.gen_secrets
subscription_file Subscription output
device_id Device ID of the update recipient.
start Subscription start timestamp
end Subscription end timestamp
channel Channel to subscribe to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--force, -f Force creation of subscription file, overwriting existing file
This command will create a subscription file called subscription.bin targeting a device with ID 0xDEADBEEF, a start timestamp of 32, and an end timestamp of 128 for channel 1.
python -m ectf25_design.gen_subscription secrets/secrets.json subscription.bin 0xDEADBEEF 32 128 1
Flashing the MAX78000 is done through the eCTF Bootloader. You will need to initially flash the eCTF Bootloader onto the provided hardware. The device must be in update mode in order for these commands to execute (flashing blue LED).
python -m ectf25.utils.flash -h
usage: ectf25.utils.flash [-h] infile port
positional arguments:
infile Path to the input binary
port Serial port
-h, --help show this help message and exit
this is two parts specifying the path to the firmware, and the second is to the connected device.
python -m ectf25.utils.flash ./decoder/build_out/max78000.bin /dev/tty.usbmodem11302
The list tool applies the required list channels functionality from the Satellite TV Decoder system.
python -m -h
usage: [-h] port
List the channels with a subscription on the Decoder
positional arguments:
port Serial port to the Decoder (see for platform-specific instructions)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python -m /dev/tty.usbmodem11302
The subscription update tool takes in an encoded update packet (in the form of a .bin
file) and sends it to the
python -m -h
usage: [-h] subscription_file port
Updates a Decoder's subscription.
positional arguments:
subscription_file Path to the subscription file created by ectf25_design.gen_subscription
port Serial port to the Decoder (see for platform-specific instructions)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python -m subscription.bin /dev/tty.usbmodem11302
The Tester tool can be used to test frame decoding functionality without the running the end to end infrastructure.
python -m ectf25.utils.tester -h
usage: [-h] --secrets SECRETS [--port PORT] [--delay DELAY] [--perf]
[--stub-encoder] [--stub-decoder] [--dump-raw DUMP_RAW]
[--dump-encoded DUMP_ENCODED] [--dump-decoded DUMP_DECODED]
{stdin,rand,json} ...
positional arguments:
stdin Read frames from stdin
rand Generate random frames
json Read frames from a json file like [[channel, frame, timestamp], ...]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--secrets SECRETS, -s SECRETS
Path to the secrets file
--port PORT, -p PORT Serial port to the Decoder (See for platform-specific instructions)
--delay DELAY, -d DELAY
Delay after frame decoding
--perf Display performance stats
--stub-encoder Stub out encoder and pass frames directly to decoder
--stub-decoder Stub out decoder and print decoded frames
--dump-raw DUMP_RAW Dump raw frames to a file
--dump-encoded DUMP_ENCODED
Dump encoded frames to a file
--dump-decoded DUMP_DECODED
Dump decoded frames to a file
python -m ectf25.utils.tester --port /dev/tty.usbmodem11302 -s ./secrets/secrets.json rand -c 1 -f 64
To run all of the infrastructure, you will need to first start the uplink. Then, in a separate terminal window, start the satellite. Finally, start a TV for every decoder being tested while the satellite is running.
The uplink is the component of the Satellite TV system responsible for sending encoded frames to the satellite. It will use the encoder from your design to encode frames.
python -m ectf25.uplink -h
usage: [-h] secrets host port channels [channels ...]
positional arguments:
secrets Path to the secrets file
host TCP hostname to serve on
port TCP port to serve on
channels List of channel:fps:frames_file pairings (e.g., 1:10:channel1_frames.json
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python -m ectf25.uplink secrets/secrets.json localhost 2000 1:10:frames/x_c0.json
The satellite is responsible for broadcasting all frames received from the uplink to all listening TVs on the host computer.
python -m ectf25.satellite -h
usage: [-h] up_host up_port down_host channels [channels ...]
positional arguments:
up_host Hostname for uplink
up_port Port for uplink
down_host Hostname for downlink
channels List of channel:down_port pairings (e.g., 1:2001 2:2002)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python -m ectf25.satellite localhost 2000 localhost 1:2001
The TV is responsible for sending encoded frames received from the satellite to a decoder connected to the host computer and returning the decoded result.
python -m -h
usage: [-h] [--baud BAUD] sat_host sat_port dec_port
positional arguments:
sat_host TCP host of the satellite
sat_port TCP port of the satellite
dec_port Serial port to the Decoder (see for platform-specific instructions)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--baud BAUD Baud rate of the serial port
python -m localhost 2001 /dev/tty.usbmodem11302