๐ This repository contains my solution to the JavaScriptmas challenge organized by Scrimba
- Get today's date (you only need the day)
- Calculate remaining days
- Display remaining days
Stretch goals:
- Display hours, minutes, seconds
- Add a countdown for another festival, your birthday, or Christmas 2022
- Add 115deg gradient border with the provided colors, or choose your own
- Hover state: gradient colors flip horizontally, btn grows slightly in size, and the text changes from grey to white
- Find the total number of pieces of candy the children can eat
- Example: -- Children: 3, Candies: 10 -- Each of the 3 children can eat 3 candies, so the total number of candies that can be eaten is 3*3 = 9
calcTotalCandies(3, 10); // expected output: 9
calcTotalCandies(4, 20); // expected output: 20
calcTotalCandies(6, 25); // expected output: 24
- Use AI to generate a one-line Christmas joke
- When clicked, the doors should open to reveal a festive joke.
The solution to Day 4 is available here as Scrim: https://scrimba.com/scrim/co5a24fa494cd1c38e2eb9292
- Card has two sides, and flips from front to back on hover
- Match styles as closely as you can
- Use CSS only
- Write a function to randomly assign each person in an array a "Secret Santa", who is someone else in the array
- No one should be assigned themselves as their own Secret Santa
Stretch goals:
- Create a UI with a button to trigger your Secret Santa function and display the results
- Add items to the wishlist array
- Iterate over the wishlist array
- Display your wishlist on the page
- Style the wishlist with CSS
Stretch goals:
- Provide a way to add / remove wishlist items
- Make each array item an object with the item's name, description and a link to where it can be purchased
- Build a CSS animation of a progress bar filling to 100%. The animation should run continuously, with a small pause when the bar is filled 100%
- The progress bar begins with 1 color, turns to the 2nd color at 50% full, and to the 3rd color when complete
- Use CSS only
- When a user hits submit, dialogModal should be hidden.
- Use the inputted text to generate an image for the e-card using an AI model. Make sure the image is square.
- Render the image to imageContainer.
The solution to Day 4 is available here as Scrim: https://scrimba.com/scrim/co9fc449f9072d453490e145e