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Visualization on global water scarcity for WASCO/Aalto University


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WASCO Global Water Atlas visualizations

This project contains three separate buildable apps: a tool for looking at historical data, a tool for looking at future predictions, and embeddable single visualizations. The visualizations can be found at or separately at:

The URL format for embeds is:, where PAGE can be either stress, shortage or scarcity, with a fallback of stress. If AUTOPLAY is not empty, the visualization will start playing automatically.


Requires Node 8 or greater and yarn.

Set up the development environment with:


Start a local development server with mock data:

yarn start

Then open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

By default, the history app is built. To build a different app, use the APP environment variable with future or embed:

APP=future yarn start

Linting & Prettier

To lint the code, run:

yarn run lint

To prettify the whole code base, run:

yarn run prettify

Testing embeds

To test embeds inside an iframe, start the development server for the embed APP (APP=embed yarn start) and open the src/embed-test.html page in a browser.

World countries data

In order to be able to load the map geographic data dynamically, the filenames needed to be changed from .json to .jsonfix. We use the JSON files from the world-atlas package by copying them into data/ and changing the filenames:

cp node_modules/world-atlas/world/*.json data/
cd data
mv 50m.json 50m.jsonfix
mv 110m.json 110m.jsonfix

Using new datasets

The datasets are defined in src/data/datasets.ts. The URL defined in the url field should be one that accepts AJAX requests, i.e. CORS should be configured appropriately.

Building a distribution

The end result of this project is a bunch of static HTML, CSS, JS and JSON files. The files need to be hosted on the root path of the server and the server needs to be configured to direct all requests to /index.html in order to support react-router routing.

The following command builds a production distribution bundle into dist. Upload these files to your hosting server to deploy.

NODE_ENV=production yarn run build

By default, the history app is built. To build a different app, use the APP environment variable with future or embed:

APP=future NODE_ENV=production yarn run build

You can test a distribution by:

cd dist

This will start a light-weight local server at http://localhost:8000. To use the ws command, you need to install local-web-server

yarn add global local-web-server

Embedding a visualization in a page

In order to embed a visualization, the host page needs to have the iframe-resizer code on the embedding page with either:

<script src=""></script>

or by placing the contents of this file inside a <script> tag. Once that's done, something like the below should be done per embed:

<iframe id="myIframe" src="" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<script>iFrameResize({}, '#myIframe')</script>

Internal notes

Deploying to production

The production environment is currently managed by Lucify. Production deployments require Lucify's production credentials.

Run a production deployment locally with:

NODE_ENV=production yarn run deploy

To deploy the future or embed apps, add them as environment variables:

APP=embed NODE_ENV=production yarn run deploy

Deploying new data

To upload new datasets to Lucify hosting, assume the AWS admin role, place the data in the appropriate folder under data-external/wasco and run:

yarn run upload-data

These files will be available under


Visualization on global water scarcity for WASCO/Aalto University







No packages published

Contributors 4
