Make a conda environment called 'acad-euks_1' and then activate it. To do this copy and paste the following information into a file using a text editor (e.g. vim):
name: acad-euks_1
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
- python>=3.8,<=3.9
- Cython>=0.29.24
- pip
- pip:
- pyrle>=0.0.31
- pyranges>=0.0.112
- kneed>=0.8.1
- matplotlib>=3.6.0
- samtools
- bowtie2
- r-base
- r-ggplot2
- r-dplyr
- r-tidyr
- r-readr
- fastp
- vsearch
- sga
- seqtk
- fasta-splitter
- datamash
- seqkit
The way I did this was by running these commands:
vim acad_euks_1.yml
conda env create -f acad_euks_1.yml
conda activate acad_euks_1.yml
Next we installed......TO BE CONTINUED