This repository is nothing but an example on how to integrate Apache Hadoop, Apache Zookeeper, Apache HBase, and Apache Phoenix on debian 8 (jessie).
Since the HBase's configuration on this example is in pseudo distributed mode, not the standalone one, so that we need Hadoop installed in our machine.
1. JDK 1.8
5. Apache Phoenix-5.0.0-alpha-HBase
1. Install and set java environment
2. Unpack and copy hadoop-3.1.0 package to particular path e.g. /home/usr/programs/hadoop-3.1.0 (tar -zxvf -C /home/usr/programs)
3. Go to hadoop-3.1.0 root directory
4. Edit and set JAVA_HOME in (vi ./etc/hadoop/ and export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk8/jdk1.8.0.171)
5. Edit core-site.xml and set hadoop.tmp.dir as well as properties
6. Create data directory then create namenode as well as datanode directories inside it
7. Change the data directory and its subdirectories permissions for readable, writable and executable by everyone (chmod 7777 -R ./data/*)
8. Edit hdfs-site.xml and set dfs.replication,, and properties
9. Edit mapred-site.xml and set mapred.job.tracker as well as properties
10. Edit yarn-site.xml and set yarn.nodemanager.aux-services property
11. Format namenode by executing ./bin/hdfs namenode -format command
12. Set HDFS_DATANODE_USER, HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER, HDFS_NAMENODE_USER, HDFS_SECONDARYNAMENODE_USER in and (vi ./sbin/s* and set the values for all mentioned properties with root for example)
13. Set YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_USER and YARN_NODEMANAGER_USER in and (vi ./sbin/s* and set the values for both properties with root for example)
Unpack zookeeper-3.4.12 package to particular path e.g. /home/usr/programs/zookeeper-3.4.12 (tar -zxvf -C /home/usr/programs)
1. Unpack hbase-2.0.0 package to particular path e.g. /home/usr/programs/hbase-2.0.0 (tar -zxvf -C /home/usr/programs)
2. Go to hbase-2.0.0 root directory
3. Edit and set JAVA_HOME in (vi ./etc/hbase/ and export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk8/jdk1.8.0.171) as well as set HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false
4. Edit hbase-site.xml and set the properties needed
Unpack phoenix-5.0.0-alpha-hbase package to particular path e.g. /home/usr/programs/phoenix-5.0.0-alpha-hbase (tar -zxvf -C /home/usr/programs)
Go to hadoop-3.1.0 root directory and execute ./sbin/ and ./sbin/ commands sequentially
Go to zookeeper-3.4.12 root directory and execute ./bin/ start
Go to hbase-2.0.0 root directory and execute ./bin/
1. Go to phoenix-5.0.0-alpha-hbase root directory
2. Start the server by executing ./bin/ start command
3. Execute ./bin/ -a BASIC --auth-user=root --auth-password=root localhost:8765 command to enter phoenix shell