A updated Version from SRP-Bot with the latest Discord.js
With /serveradd you can add a Status-Embed.
With /leaderboardadd you can add a Leaderboard-Embed
token = Your Secret Bot Token
clientId = Client ID from your Bot
guildId = Guild ID to deploy the Commands
botId = The User Bot ID (right click the bot and copy the id in discord)
configChannels = Channels for monitoring the messages
allowedRole = which role can use the commands
Install NodeJS, you can find it here
Clone the Repository and install all Packages.
git clone https://github.com/lucxsm/assettobot.git
npm install
Configure the Configfile and then deploy the Commands.
cd src
node deploy_commands.js
Then you can start the Bot with
cd ..
node src/index.js
Normally it should be showing now a "Connected". Then you are good to go.
With /serveradd you can add a Embed.
/serveradd Channel-ID Embedtitle Serveraddress Countrycode Description
The country code is two digits (de, us, nl,...) If your Country is missing, you can add this in the nationalities.js
The Serveraddress must be like (IP:PORT)
This Command is currently work in progress
To customize the Embed, you can edit the serverinfo.js
Github: christian-kth/srp-bot