Provides the elm-review
rule VariablesBetweenCaseOf.AccessInCases.forbid
which reports when a variable between case .. of
is used in any of the cases.
case arguments of
[] ->
"no arguments"
_ :: _ ->
arguments |> String.join ", "
case arguments of
[] ->
"no arguments"
firstArgument :: secondArgumentUp ->
(firstArgument :: secondArgumentUp) |> String.join ", "
When you match a variable to a more specific case and therefore have more information at hand, you should use it!
There are some things that can easily go wrong otherwise:
descriptionToString description =
case description of
SequenceDescription _ _ ->
expand description_ =
case description_ of
SequenceDescription early late ->
expand early ++ expand late
NonSequenceDescription _ ->
nonSequenceDescriptionToString description
expand description |> String.join ", then "
NonSequenceDescription _ ->
nonSequenceDescriptionToString description
Everything is good, right?
case description_ of
NonSequenceDescription _ ->
nonSequenceDescriptionToString description
Oops, it's the wrong description variable...
Another example that I've actually written:
listRemoveAt index list =
case list of
[] ->
head :: tail ->
case index of
0 ->
indexAtLeast1 ->
head :: (list |> listRemoveAt (indexAtLeast1 - 1))
Look at the last line where we call listRemoveAt
recursively with the original list instead of tail
descriptionAndErrorToString description error =
case ( description, error ) of
( EndDescription _, EndError customErrorMessage ) ->
"expected " ++ descriptionToString description ++ " but " ++ customErrorMessage
( EndDescription _, _ ) ->
"custom with unexpected error kind: " ++ descriptionToString description ++ " but " ++ errorToString error
( CustomDescription _, CustomError customErrorMessage ) ->
"expected " ++ descriptionToString description ++ " but " ++ customErrorMessage
( CustomDescription _, _ ) ->
"custom with unexpected error kind: " ++ descriptionToString description
Found the error? You didn't add the error String in the case ( CustomDescription _, _ ) ->
If you had just always used the error from the specific case, ignoring the error would have been more obvious
I see code like below a lot.
highestScoreUi scores =
case scores of
[] ->
textUi "no scores, yet"
scoresHead :: _ ->
case List.maximum scores of
-- This can never happen
Nothing ->
-- so we'll just use the head or whatever
scoreUi scoresHead
Just highestFound ->
scoreUi highestFound
Don't look away, I know you've written code like that.
Let's just blame it on thinking patterns from other languages where you can't safely represent your data
and elm for providing so many -> Maybe
Unwrap late and use the extra information of your specific case:
highestScoreUi =
case scores of
[] ->
textUi "no scores, yet"
scoresHead :: scoresTail ->
scoreUi (List.Nonempty.minimum ( scoresHead, scoresTail ))
If you think this is not possible in your case, write me anytime @lue on slack!
For example: "But how would I do a case on Dict
- → There are non-empty dict implementations with
- → there are more convenient representations like
that you can actually case on
Maybe this is not your grind, but I think precise data modeling in elm is fun. Give it a go even if you think it's not practical and see what happens!
elm-review --template lue-bird/elm-review-variables-between-case-of-access-in-cases/example
module ReviewConfig exposing (config)
import VariablesBetweenCaseOf.AccessInCases
import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
config : List Rule
config =
[ VariablesBetweenCaseOf.AccessInCases.forbid