Any new code should adhere to the guidelines below.
Fortran free-format style is used. For readability of the code, indentation should be used without exception. Make sure that 3 "spaces" are used for indentation, not "tabs" (i.e. the "tab" key indents with "spaces", this is usually an editor setting")
Language of variables and all comments is English
- Modules: lower camel case with "_m" suffix ("randomWalker_m"). File name and module name should be identical.
- Variables: lower camel case ("randomWalker") unless uppercase is required to follow mathematical formulae.
- Procedures: upper camel case ("OptimizeParameters()")
- Type Names: upper camel case with "_t" suffix ("RandomWalker_t")
(a class defines a type and "methods" or functions work on this type):
Module name and type name should coincide (but module with "_m" appended and type with "_t")
all functions have "this" of type "class type" as first argument.
all functions have the name: "type_methodx(this,...)" (to avoid extensive renaming with use or complicated construction of generic functions)
Use object-oriented approach where possible, meaning group data and data accessing routines in one module
Allow all F90 parameter type checking, and F90 array support by adding an interface module to all F77 or module free F90 routines. Denote the interface module as "nameinterface" and put it into a separate file denoted here name_i.f[90]. This module file produced from name_i.f is equivalent to a compiled header file in C++. The object file is basically empty and need not be included in the linking process.
This interface is only used if all calls to free routines have a preceding "use ...interface".
The construction of interface files also helps avoiding circular dependencies in Makefiles (although circular dependencies hint to a less than optimal module design)
How to write new code for amolqc: Think about data structures for the problem, and routines using this structures. Together they form a new module (or more than one if a separation is possible: build small modules!)
Those data that are used by more than one routine should become the data part of the new module, those used by only one should be local variables of that routine (possibly using 'save' to keep contents for next call) Common data are at least parameters of the problem. They are set with input routines, and accessed with output routines.
public :: name_of_all_public_routines
to prevent access to the module data!
use access functions: getData(), setData(x)
possible exception: data access is part of time-determining code. There direct access is sensible, but should be used with care.
Naming convention for global data of a module:
Use "m"
use public data only if absolutely necessary (possibly for speed reasons, but consider compiler inlining)
This design works only with a hierarchical module dependency (i.e. a dependency tree of 'use' statements). The general design of the code should allow this dependency. If this is not possible (i.e. a circular dependency of modules in unavoidable), the data part of the module might be factored out as global data and be accessed from different modules. A pure data module may only depend on other data modules, and a hierarchical layout of data is always possible.
Use the interface approach (free functions, subroutines and an additional file with 'interface's) should be used only for existing code.
Every Module must contain "implicit none".
Using other modules:
- use as little module as necessary
- write always an "only" list. This helps identifying where an undeclared variable/function comes from and restricts access to the absolute necessary items (this is not necessary when the "used" module has no public data, and a well designed public interface)
Structure of a module:
module moduleName
use kinds_m, only: r8
use module1, only: list_of_used_routines_or_data
use module2, only: list_of_used_routines_or_data
implicit none
public :: list_of_public_routines_or_data
! here is the data
! here are the routines
end module moduleName
Good documentation of the routine interface (i.e. arguments, return values) is imperative.
Use program language for documentation as much as possible, i.e.
- all arguments declared with correct "intent" (and brief one line explanation after "!")
- all restrictions on the arguments and/or module variables enforced with "call assert(condition,"failure note")" directly after declaration part
Use assert also in the routine to ensure that a condition for the following part of the routine is fulfilled. E.g. if some lines require variable "a" to be strictly positive use
if (asserts) call assert(a > 0,'routine_name: condition a > 0 not satisfied')
"call assert" has no performance penalty due to the global variable asserts.
Never use "print*" or "write(,)" because it is a parallel program! write only to "iul" (the open file unit for logging)
Never call "stop" or "exit". It is a parallel program! Delegate aborting the program to the function "abortp". This one function can be adapted to handle ALL requests to terminate the program.
Provide testing for all functions of a module using pFUnit - example. To add all *.pf files in a directory as a test, put
add_pFUnit_test("ModuleName" "${libraries}")
into CMakeLists.txt
After the new functionality of the program works and is tested, provide a test input (.in and .wf) with a few seconds runtime that uses that new functionality and add it to the testsuite