Dropbox and Google Drive file API wrapper for storing json data.
Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff? (George Carlin)
const backend = new DropboxBackend(token);
const store = new Luggage(backend);
const articles = store.collection('articles');
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).read().then((articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* or you can provide a function */
articles.where(article => article.authors.includes('John Doe')).read().then((articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* Listen to filtered data updates */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).on('data', (articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* You can stack conditions */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).where(article => article.comments > 0)
/* or more readable */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).and(article => article.comments > 0)
/* Collection#find returns the first record found */
articles.find({ author: 'John Doe' }).read().then((article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
/* Collection#find takes a function */
articles.find(article => article.author === 'John Doe').read().then((article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
/* Listen to single record updates */
articles.find({ author: 'John Doe' }).on('data', (article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
/* Simple merge with existing record */
articles.find({ id: 1 }).update({ author: 'Jane Doe' }).then(([article]) => {
console.log('Author changed:', article.author);
/* Record#update takes a function (surprise :)) */
articles.find(article => article.id === 42).update((article) => {
article.authors.push('Jane Doe');
return article; // Do not forget to return new record
articles.add({ author: 'John Doe', body: 'Blah blah blah mr. Freeman' }).then(([article]) => {
console.log('New article was added:', article);
articles.find({ id: 1 }).delete().then(([article]) => {
console.log('No longer within collection:', article);