Personal dotfiles for zsh, KDE, Firefox, and more.
I use GNU stow to manage symlinking my dotfiles on new machines. The folders are structured so that I just have to run (for example) stow i3
to have all my i3 configs symlinked to the correct place.
I currently bspwm as my window manager, with picom as the compositor.
I used to use plasma with bspwm, in a simlar manner to the examples below.
Here is a list of dependencies and programs I use in my setup.
Dependency | Description | Why/Where is it needed? |
i3-gaps |
Window manager | (explains itself, not using at the moment) |
bspwm |
Window manager | (explains itself) |
picom |
Compositor | (explains itself) |
rofi |
Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement | (explains itself) |
pulseaudio , libpulse |
Sound system (Installed by default on most distros) | Volume widgets and keybinds |
redshift |
Controls screen temperature | Night mode command |
feh |
Image viewer and wallpaper setter | Screenshot previews, wallpapers |
fzf |
A command-line fuzzy finder | An interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list |
exa |
A modern version of ‘ls’ | (explains itself) |
playerctl |
Mpris command-line controller | Used to set i3/bspwm media control keybinds |
Currently I only use the following three main fonts for most of my configuration:
- Iosevka Nerd Font
- MesloLGS Nerd Font
- Hurmit Nerd Font
A screenshot of my current setup.