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Luigi Minardi edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

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Users, as the name implies, are the ones who will use our API through a front-end, the endpoints will specify what can you do with a user.

The users are separeted between underages and adults and between normal users (non admins) and admins.

User Fields

field field type field options
id integer !null, auto, f++, unq, pk
name string !null
age integer
surname string
email string !null, unq
nickname string unq
password string hashed
isAdmin boolean dft<false>
createdAt date !null, auto
updatedAt date !null, auto

Unique fields

The email and the nickname of the users are unique so you can't have two users with the same of any of these two fields.

Age verification

The field age is resposible to allow access of only adults parts of the api.

Admin verification

The field isAdmin is a boolean that, if is true, will set the user as admin, allowing it to use all endpoints and do some things more than normal users in some endpoints.


The default endpoint is <path>:<port>/users.

Example: http://localhost:3000/users, path is http://localhost, port is 3000.

Check the CRUD

To see the expected response click on the function, you'll be redirected to the page that specifies its behavior.

The path / is for the default endpoint, whatever after it will be after the default endpoint (/email => <path>:<port>/users/email)

method function path check
POST create new user /
POST find user by email /email auth
POST login the user /login
GET return all users / auth
GET return user with specified pk /:pk<integer> auth
PUT change user with specified pk /:pk<integer> auth
PUT change password of user with specified pk /:pk<integer>/update-password auth
DELETE delete user with specified pk /:pk<integer> auth, adm