is a custom scripting language that borrows some of its syntax from
of different languages.
To build the project on Mac and Linux, use the provided Makefile. Before building, make sure you have:
- Flex version
or newer installed. - Bison version
or newer installed. - A C++11/14/17 compiler. GCC v5 or above is recommended for Linux and Clang v6 or newer for Mac OSX.
To install Bison and Flex on Mac OSX, brew is the tool of choice. If you experience problems with the system path, make sure to check out this thread.
On Linux, you can use apt
or whichever is your package manager of choice.
You might need to download and build Bison yourself if a recent binary image is not available.
Building on Windows is currently not officially supported. The source code should be fully portable,
so all that should be required for a Windows build is to create a Visual Studio project. I was not able to
find a binary distribution or even compilable source for the required Bison & Flex versions for Windows,
so I have included the generated source files in the generated/local/
dir. You'll be able to build on Windows
without Bison & Flex, but you won't be able to generate new files if the parser or lexer are changed.
Hello world in LavaScript Language:
// Once
println("Hello world!");
// A few times
for i in 0..5 do
println(i, ": Hello world!");
Declaring variables:
let i = 42; // An integer number
let pi = 3.141592; // A floating-point number
let s = "hello"; // A string
let r = 0..10; // A range
let a = ["a", "b", "c"]; // An array of strings
User-defined structs and enums:
type Foo struct
int_member: int,
float_member: float,
str_member: str,
// Declaring an instance of a structure:
let foo = Foo{ 1, 2.2, "3" };
type Colors enum
// Use enum constants:
let color = Colors.Blue;
// Type alias:
type Bar = Colors;
Recursive Fibonacci:
func fibonacci(n: int) -> int
if n <= 1 then
return n;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
let fib = fibonacci(15);
println("Fibonacci of 15 = ", fib);
Iterative Fibonacci:
func fibonacci(n: int) -> int
let a: int = 0;
let b: int = 1;
let c: int = 0;
if n == 0 then
return a;
let count = n + 1;
for i in 2..count do
c = a + b;
a = b;
b = c;
return b;
let fib = fibonacci(15);
println("Fibonacci of 15 = ", fib);
C++ interface:
// Minimal sample of how to run a LavaScript Lang script from C++
#include "ls_compiler.hpp"
#include "ls_vm.hpp"
int main()
lavascript::LSCompiler compiler; // Script parsing and bytecode output.
lavascript::LSVM vm; // Executes bytecode produced by a LavaScript Compiler.
compiler.parseScript(&vm, "");
catch (const lavascript::BaseException & e)
// Handle a compilation error or a runtime-error.
// The exeption type will differ accordingly
// (CompilerException, RuntimeException, etc).
This project's source code is released under the MIT License.
Obviously, it's all licensed under the MIT license, so use it as you wish; but if you'd like to buy me a coffee, I won't complain.
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