In the above dependency graph, we can see how the models (i.e., classes, structs, protocols) in our codebase are coupled with each other.
A "uses" connection would imply strong coupling between two models. For example, the ViewController
makes use of a MovieService
. This means that the ViewController
needs the MovieService
to function properly. This is only a one-way dependency though as the MovieService
does not need the ViewController
to function properly.
An "implements" connection actually also implies strong coupling between two models. For example, the LocalMovieService
depends on the existence of MovieService
since the former implements the latter. Similar to the "uses" case, this is also only a one-way dependency. This is because MovieService
will continue to exist even if LocalMovieService
Given that both types of connections introduce coupling, what's the point of differentiating them?
The point is that if model A uses model B and model B uses model C, model A would also depend on/be coupled with model C.
On the other hand, if model A uses model B and model B implements model C, model A would NOT depend on/be coupled with model C. Another way of looking at this is that model A would not need to know about the existence of model C or how it works. The only thing that model A would need to know is how model B works.
This use of protocols allows us to limit the knowledge that we need to know when viewing a model in a codebase.
More concretely, in the above example, ViewController
would not need to know that Moya
is being used by the MoyaAPIService
, which is being used by the APIMovieService
, which the ViewController
uses. All that ViewController
needs to know is how MovieService
Conversely, in the below example, if we did not use any protocols in our implementation, this is how the dependency graph would look like. In this example, ViewController
would have to know about the implementation of APIMovieService
and would transitively have to know about the implementations of MovieAPI
, MoyaAPIService
, and Moya
. This is a much more coupled codebase and would not be very flexible. Modifying functionality in one model would most likely require modifications in a lot of other models.
In order to support localization for different languages, we first have to specify our supported languages under the Localizations
section in our Project Info.
We then create a Strings file to contain our localized strings.
After that, we can specify which languages we want to create different localized strings for.
We will now have created two Localizable.strings
files - one for English and one for Spanish. Having different values for the same keys in these two files is how we specify different strings per language.
Supporting dark mode is actually very easy. Instead of directly specifying colors by their hexadecimal or RGB values, we first create a Color Set in ours Assets.xcassets file. We then just have to specify different colors for the "Any Appearance" and for "Dark". (The "Any Appearance" colors are what show whenever the device is set to light mode.)
After that, all we have to do is use that color asset when specifying colors for UI elements.
Also note that Xcode also has existing "dark mode counterparts" for the default colors that it has available. Even if we don't manually specify any dark mode color counterparts for the UILabel
text color and the background of the overall UIView
, these colors automatically change when we move between appearances because they're already provided automatically.
Light Mode | Dark Mode |
Apple's recommended way of importing third party libraries into an Xcode project is using Swift Package Manager (SPM). This is built into Xcode unlike package managers like CocoaPods and Carthage.
We can add packages using SPM by going to the Package Dependencies section under the Project.
We do this by clicking the + button (as seen above) and pasting a link to a package on the upper-right hand side of the modal that shows up. (This can be usually found in READMEs in the repositories of the packages that you would like to import. For example, you can find the link specified in Moya's documentation here.)