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Lukas Bestle edited this page Jun 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

Before using the plugin, please set appropriate options in site/config/config.php:


return [
  'lukasbestle.downloads' => [
    // Path to the page where all downloads are stored;
    'path' => 'downloads',

    // Associative array of fields that can be used as filters in
    // the block with field name and label (optionally localized);
    // defaults to none (only manual selection of files)
    'fields' => null, // e.g. `['content.product' => 'Relevant product']`

    // Number of downloads to list per pagination page;
    // can be set to `null` to disable pagination
    'paginate' => 15,

	// Whether search can be enabled in the Panel;
	// defaults to search being an option
	'search' => true,

    // File template of the download files inside the `path`;
    // defaults to any template
    'template' => null, // e.g. `'download'`

path and template options

These options control which files can be selected and/or filtered as downloads in any Downloads block throughout the site.

fields option

This option allows you to define which fields can be used as filters both inside the block and in the frontend user interface.

The key of each element is a Kirby query that operates on each File object. E.g. you can use content.product to access a content field, extension to call a file method directly or even content.tags.split(",") to use field methods.

The value of each element defines the labels that will be used for the field and its options in the Panel and in the frontend user interface. The following syntaxes are supported:

  • A string like 'content.product' => 'Relevant product' to define a fixed label for the field
  • An array with label and options keys, optionally with translations for different languages:
'fields' => [
  'content.product' => [
    // fixed label of the field itself...
    'label' => 'Relevant product',
    // ...optionally with translations
    'label' => [
      'en' => 'Relevant product',
      'de' => 'Relevantes Produkt'
    // labels for each of the options;
    // options that don't exist for any file are ignored and
    // missing options automatically fall back to the option value
    'options' => [
      // key: option value
      // value: label...
      'bowl' => 'Bowl',
      // ...optionally translated
      'cup' => [
        'en' => 'Cup',
        'de' => 'Tasse'

If the fields option is not set at all, filters are completely disabled. It is still possible to use the block with manual file selection and frontend search. This mode can be useful if your downloads don't have elaborate metadata.

paginate option

You can set this option to any integer to change the number of results per page or set it to null to disable pagination (all results will be displayed at once).

search option

You can set this option to false if you don't want to allow editors to enable search via the "Interface" settings in the block.

Initial setup

To use the plugin, you need to enable the block and add styling.

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