#Provisioner for k8s objects:
a) generic type
⋅ designed for objects which are declarative and kubernetes can run rolling update on them
⋅ run kubectl apply on changed objects
⋅ ideal for deployments
⋅ ideal for "one time creation" objects like svc
b) secrets type
⋅ designed for secrets
⋅ after secret change, secret is recreated and kubectl patch is triggered on deployments which are using them. this triggers rolling update on these deployments
⋅ secrets are not recreated after startup to avoid unnecessary rolling updates
c) configmap type
⋅ designed for configmaps
⋅ after configmaps change, configmap is recreated and pods which are using this configmap are deleted
⋅ configmap are not recreated after startup to avoid unnecessary rolling updates
d) quota type
⋅ designed for creating namespaces nad quotas
⋅ after namespace/quota change kubectl apply is executed on changed file, to ensure proper state
d) force-update ⋅ create all objects from repository
#Force update on all objects To recreate all objects exec into pod and run
bash /provisioners/force-update.sh
###example definition is in deploy directory of this repository
Configuration is i believe self explanatory
- you need to create secret bb wich contains key id-rsa with wich you can checkout objects repository
- provisioner (env PROV_TYPE ) types are:
- generic - default dir deployments ( env DEPLOYMENT_DIR)
- secrets - default dir secrets ( env SECRETS_DIR)
- configmap - default dir configmaps ( env CONFIGMAPS_DIR)
- quota - default dir namespaces ( env NS_DIR)
- force-update