👋 Hi, I’m Łukasz Budnik
I know the Ł in first name looks terrifying to pronounce. However, it's really simple to pronounce, just say: woo-cash.
👀 I’m interested in distributed systems
I specialise in distributed systems and cloud computing. I've been working with cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) for almost 10 years!
🌱 I’m currently learning Kubernetes and Go
🤝 Let's collaborate
I’m looking to collaborate on the following projects:
- lukaszbudnik/migrator - Super fast and lightweight DB migration & evolution tool written in go
- lukaszbudnik/yosoy - yosoy is a HTTP service for stubbing and prototyping distributed applications
- lukaszbudnik/keycloak-kubernetes - Keycloak cluster deployed to Kubernetes
- lukaszbudnik/haproxy-auth-gateway - Authentication and authorization gateway for cloud native apps
📫 You can reach me at lukasz.budnik@gmail.com