Studying linear algebra can be really dry without practical application, so I decided to code-up a neural network from scratch using only numpy.
To understand how this code works, all you need is a rudimentary understanding of the dot-product, array manipulation and the core principles of basic neural networks. Within the implementation details below, I have linked a number of youtube videos that - in my opinion - explain the key concepts of neural networks extremely well (e.g chain rule, dot-product, etc).
To start, the script in
is a simple neural network (NN) implemented using NumPy for digit recognition on the MNIST dataset (Note: I did use tensorflow to access the MNIST dataset as I didn't want to store it locally). The NN is structured with three layers: the first with 64 neurons, the second with 28, and the third (output layer) with 10 neurons, corresponding to the 10 possible digits. The instantiate_weights
function initializes the weights and biases for each layer with random values.
The ReLU function is used for the first two layers to output either 0 or the input value, whichever is higher. The softmax function is applied to the output of the third layer to obtain a probability distribution over the 10 possible digits.
During forward propagation (forward_prop
), the input vector (a flattened MNIST 28x28 image) is passed through the network, undergoing linear transformations (i.e dot product) and non-linear activations.
The training process uses mini-batch gradient descent, as defined in the gradient_descent
function. In each epoch, the dataset is shuffled and divided into mini-batches. For each batch, forward propagation is performed, followed by backward propagation (backward_prop
), where the gradient of the loss - with respect to each parameter - is calculated using the chain rule. These gradients are used to update the parameters in the update_params
function with the aim of minimizing the loss. The get_accuracy
function calculates the prediction accuracy of the current model against the mini-batch labels.
The one_hot
function encodes labels (e.g 4 - representing the number in the image) as a one-hot representation (e.g [0,0,0,1,0,0...]
) for computing the loss from the softmax probabilities. Finally, after training for a specified number of epochs, the model's weights and biases are returned, which can be used for making predictions on new data.