I'm always building, follow me to see what I build next.
If you want to hire me, I'm open to offers starting January 2025 after my graduation.
📧 Email me at lukew25073@gmail.com
- mathgenerator - A math problem generator with a large variety of problem types, usable as a python package.
- stemplayeronline.com - A website that allows users to mix music using a stem player in their browser.
- Paint Launcher - An Android home screen (launcher) replacement that allows you to launch apps with custom tap zones instead of icons. (Still in testing, join testers Google Group to get access)
- 3cards - Flashcards on web3. Runs at 0 cost, allowing for completely free and unblockable education.
- congol - An online server for playing a competitive 2 player version of Conway's Game of Life.
- dropsync - Perfectly sync a moment in time with a moment in a song.
- beautifulvhs - A 3d collection of blank vhs cases, showcasing a unique style of art from the 1980s and 90s.
- lukew3/resume - Github Actions CI to build a pdf of my resume from jsonresume and latex template.
- Color Code Tutor - A lightweight game to help you get better at guessing hex color codes.
- uni2db.com - An API for public university data like courses offered. Powered by open-source web scrapers.
- ideaspot - A website where users can share and build each others ideas.