A lightwight Long Press Button Module that let you turn everything on your Homepage into an press & hold button.
For the use as module you can import this module via npm.
npm install longpressbutton
You can see this module in action on https://lucas-kirsche.de/longpressbutton/demo
Use this module in 3 different ways.
Just import the minified es5 library into you're HTML document, and every element with a parameter set to data-longpress=time-in-ms will fire a "longpress"-event after clicking it the given amount of time.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script src="./longpressbutton/dist/longpressbutton-min.js" defer></script>
<button data-longpress="2000">PRESS 2s</button>
Access the event by either set the onclick event directly in the html
<button data-longpress="2000" onclick="console.log('clicked!')">PRESS 2s</button>
or listen to the longpress-event in a javascript.
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('longpress', (event) => { console.log('clicked!')});
If you want to pack the module with your own project, you have to import this module and call lpButton.init(). This function searches the whole document for elements with a data-longpress=time-in-ms attribute.
import {lpButton} from 'longpressbutton';
For a specific search scope, just pass the top element as argument to the init function.
In case you have dynamic elements which are created by your script use this module class directly.
import {lpButton} from 'longpressbutton';
const customElement = document.createElement('button');
customElement.addEventListener('longpress', (event) => { cosole.log(event) });
lpButton.newButton(customElement, 1000); //returns the customElement
Just make sure to link the longpressbutton.css.
Per default this module comes with a animation while pressing. You can specify your own stylings by overriding the classes.
Every longpress button element has a .lpb-button class and gets a child element with a .lpb-loader class. This element gets a .lpb-loading class while pressing and a .lpb-loaded class on timer expiration until a css keyframe animation ends.