Text based notification server for libnotify directly based on libdbus.
See Todo and below for information on the current limits of this implementation.
-h or --help
Print usage information.
-t or --timeout
Change default notification timeout.
-f or --format
Define the output format as described in the next paragraph.
-r or --raw
Don't remove markup.
-v or --version
Print version information and exit.
-d or --delay
Specify delay between printing lines.
-1 or --single
Print exactly one line for each notification.
Snot allows you to define the output string on the command line. The following substitutions are done:
application name
notification summary
notification body
size of queue (not yet displayed notifications)
only display ... if x evaluates to true; x may be one of the above
snot -f "%a: _%s_ %b %(qyou have %q more notifications)"
As per the Desktop Notification Specification it's possible to remove a notification from the queue by calling the DBus method CloseNotification, e.g. like this:
dbus-send --print-reply=literal --type=method_call \
--dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications \
/org/freedesktop/Notifications \
org.freedesktop.Notifications.CloseNotification \
Specifying 0 as id will close the head of the queue. This is an extension to the specification. This is useful for non-expiring notifications or notifications with a long timeout.
- honor replaces_id
- handle urgency levels
name planned implemented
"action-icons" no no
"actions" maybe no
"body" yes yes
"body-hyperlinks" no no
"body-images" no no
"body-markup" maybe no
"icon-multi" no no
"icon-static" no no
"persistence" maybe no
"sound" maybe no (through external program call)
Snot uses Cram for testing. It's a bit awkward because of its asynchronous
nature, but it works. tests/setup.sh
contains some utility functions to make
it easier and should be used in all tests.
Run make test
to run all tests.