nvm use v14.17.0
yarn install
All enviroment variables should be stored in .env.example, just copy paste it to .env.local file
cp .env.example .env.local
yarn run migrate
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:7300 with your browser to see the result.
Set up NGROK: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup
open ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
and add:
authtoken: <your auth token>
proto: http
addr: 7300
ngrok start lumos-google-assistant
- Put the ngrok https public url in .env.local as a PUBLIC_URL
- Go to Settings in https://console.actions.google.com/project/lumos-nest-prod/simulator and put this URL in the Test URL field: https://{yourngrokdomain}.ngrok.io/api/google/fulfillment
- Nextjs frontend routes - /src/pages
- Interactive canvas app routes - /src/routes
- React components - /src/components can be imported by alias @components/*
- UI components - /src/components/ui can be imported by alias @components/ui/*
- Styles - /src/styles/ can be imported by alias @styles/*
- Assets - /public/assets/ can be imported by alias @assets/*
- Add more shortcuts in tsconfig.json paths
- Backend routes - /src/pages/api/
- Backend modules - /src/api/
- Tools - /tools/
yarn lint
yarn test
TODO: Integration testing, test cases
Interactive canvas app should stay on the same url, so we are using react-router-dom
and memory routing to handle routes instead of nextjs-router
, these routes list defined in the src/pages/index.tsx
- index - loads initial data
- ageGate - age gate flow
- home - games list
- game - gameplay, scores
- training - gameplay, scores
miit.js is the tiny EventEmitter implementation for frontend
Events -
- onPhraseMatched: any;
- onListeningModeChanged: boolean;
- onTtsMark: string;
Only for server webhook fulfillment version -
- onIntentYes: void;
- onIntentNo: void;
- onIntentHelp: void;
- onIntentRestartCMM: void;
- onIntentRestartGame: void;
- onIntentResumeGame: void;
- onDebugLog: string;
Any component can subscribe to events with the src/hooks/useAppBusListener.ts
Interactive canvas injected to the DOM by src/components/InteractiveCanvasScript.tsx
Sometimes interactive canvas library initializes earlier then react app, so we have proxy script - @assets/interactiveCanvasProxy.js?raw
which stores unhandled events and passes it to react when it is ready.
Callbacks for interactive canvas are managed in src/contexts/InteractiveCanvasContext.tsx
Helpful hooks -
- useInteractiveCanvas - returns interactive canvas library methods
- useExpect(intentId, callback) - binds expectation function for
on component mount and gracefully removes it on unmount, only for client fullfilment version
App state is managed by redux toolkit
All data stored in the one slice - src/store/slices/appSlice.ts
Result of webhook intent handler are commands for React SPA, like: to emit miit.js event, to dispatch redux action, to change app route
Example -
User --> Device : Trigger intent by voice/sendTextQuery()
Device --> WebhookHandler : Trigger webhook
WebhookHandler --> ReactApp : trigger InteractiveCanvas@onUpdate with new state
state ReactApp {
direction LR
InteractiveCanvas@onUpdate --> EventEmmiter : Emit event
InteractiveCanvas@onUpdate --> Redux : Dispatch action
InteractiveCanvas@onUpdate --> Router : Push to routing
ReactApp --> User : Render new state
This version loads user storage data from the interactive canvas frontend library, with thunk side effects and interactiveCanvas.getUserParam(). So this version doesn't contain webhook commands flow.
- src/store/slices/ageGate
- src/store/slices/scores
- src/store/slices/session
- src/store/slices/training
- src/store/slices/user
SPA communicate with games by global functions
- window.sendToJavascript(data: GameEventName | [GameEventName, GameEventData], argData: GameEventData | null) => void
- window.sendEventToCocos(data: SpeechEvent) => void
interface SpeechEvent {
hypothesisMatchSets?: Record<any,any>,
phrases?: string[],
isFinal?: boolean,
action?: string
CMM data events are passed through from Assistant. Parameters:
- hypothesisMatchSets (array of objects)
- phrases (array of strings): best guess matches of speech
- isFinal (boolean): Whether or not this is the last set of hypotheses in a single speech detection
Other actions are passed through as: action (string):
- cmm_end - Continuous match mode ended
- cmm_start - Continuous match mode started
- cmm_unmatched - Detected speech but did not match against the current CMM dictionary
- quit - Tell the game to quit (normal voice intent on pause menu)
- restart - Tell the game to restart (normal voice intent on pause menu)
- resume - Tell the game to resume (normal voice intent on pause menu)
- tts_start - Text-to-speech output started
- tts_end - Text-to-speech output finished
- tts_mark - Text-to-speech mark (other than start and end) encountered mark (string) - mark name
- tutorial - Tell the game to start the tutorial (normal voice intent on pause menu)
type GameEventName = string;
type GameEventData = any;
GameEventName -
- game:abort_update - This is used for data tracking incomplete gameplays on web. Should not be active and should be ignored.
- game:nest_cmm_pause - Request stop of continuous match mode. Currently used when pausing the game and switching to normal voice input.
- game:nest_cmm_restart - Request restart of continuous match mode. Currently used after resuming from pausing.
- game:nest_cmm_resume - Not used anymore. Redundant with cmm_restart.
- game:nest_cmm_start - Request start of continuous match mode expected_phrases (array of objects): List of words to match against to be sent to Continuous Match system (limit 1000) phrase (string) - word to match alternative_phrases (array of strings) - alternatives that should match and return the primary word
- game:complete - Game has finished and data payload is returned. Can remove game and move on to next screen.
- game:loadComplete - Game engine has finished loading - may show game
- game:pause - Game is paused (no special action to take, but should be ready to listen for game action intents)
- game:quit - Quit triggered - should clean up game and move to main menu
- game:resume - Game is resuming (no action to take)
- game:speech - Trigger text-to-speech. Parameters: text (string) - text to send through TTS prompt (boolean) - true if Assistant should open a voice prompt after TTS is completed
- game:start - Game has started
Scenes are managed by google developer console
- You can update actions in the Develop tab of the google actions console
- Intents can be managed with the gactions command line interface (CLI) tool
- To pull or push gaction changes, cd into the google-actions folder and run
gactions pull
orgactions push
. The project ID should be automatically detected, but you can also specify it withgactions pull --project-id lumos-nest-prod
. We no longer use lumos-nest-staging.
User params properties
uuid of user from dynamodb, stored in StartApp handler
"id" : string
Top scores of the user, where key is a game id and value is array with 5 last top gameplay info:
"scores": Record<string, {
"score": number, // gamerun scores
"date": string, // gamerun complete datetime
"i": number // index number for gamerun, useful for fast sorting
Example -
"color-match-nest": [
"i": 4,
"score": 92,
"date": "2021-07-26T13:43:44Z"
"score": 92,
"date": "2021-07-27T13:48:11Z",
"i": 1
"score": 82,
"i": 2,
"date": "2021-07-27T09:51:13Z"
"date": "2021-07-26T14:33:03Z",
"i": 6,
"score": 56
"score": 52,
"i": 4,
"date": "2021-07-27T14:33:05Z"
Last workout information
"training": {
"version": number, // current TrainingManager version, useful for invalidate all current user trainings
"games": string[], // list of uncompleted games
"size": number // total games count
"deadline": number // unix timestamp, ttl system for training manager
Example -
"training": {
"version": 1,
"games": [
"size": 3,
"deadline": 1627516800
encrypted access token to lumos api
Payload of google auth token
Example -
"tokenPayload": {
"iss": "https://accounts.google.com",
"nbf": 1627662520,
"aud": "140360206587-q7naddm3fnd6qndt2m95v9fhp112vskq.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"sub": "109181940190210131768",
"hd": "lumoslabs.com",
"email": "yura.borue@lumoslabs.com",
"email_verified": true,
"name": "Yuriy Borue",
"picture": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJzuL8BcrufWSjXfi4lKvgw0E1qldItmPwwU0c2r=s96-c",
"given_name": "Yuriy",
"family_name": "Borue",
"iat": 1627662820,
"exp": 1627666420,
"jti": "31fc96f08cf3dd9ff81878342c3f469a691ed7d6"
You cannot link with staging while on a device because staging requires VPN. To link your account to a staging account, you must use the simulator while on the VPN.
Just allow "Web & App Activity" on Google's Activity controls page
You can clear user storage on the App page, with the Reset link, or disconnect your account using the Unlink link. You can also click Stop Lumosity from remembering me to get into Guest mode.
In order to connect your account to Google and turn off Guest mode, on the app page click the Allow Lumosity to remember me (?) link.
This can occur if you have linked user account and don't have http access for Lumos Rails. You should check if environment variables are correct and vpn is on if using staging Lumos Rails server
- Merge main to v2 branch after v1 release
- Remove useless ajax calls from game.js scripts, rewrite it to promise style
- minor: integration tests
- minor: integrate git-based cms to change game vars (e.g. netlify cms)