Three Card Poker Server is a server application responsible for handling requests from the Three Card Poker game. It provides the necessary backend functionalities to support the multiplayer gameplay experience.
- Implements user authentication to ensure secure access to game rooms.
- Supports login with Google and Facebook accounts for convenient user authentication.
- Manages the creation, updating, and deletion of game rooms.
- Allows users to join and leave game rooms based on availability and game room settings.
- Facilitates real-time communication between players within the same game room.
- Enables players to exchange game-related information, such as card actions and game updates.
- Handles game logic and enforces the rules of the Three Card Poker game.
- Processes player actions, calculates game results, and updates the game state accordingly.
- Stores and retrieves game-related data, such as player profiles and game room information.
- Ensures data integrity and allows for the seamless continuation of games.
- Nodejs : A JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development.
- Express : A fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js.
- Socket.IO : Enables real-time communication between the server and clients.
- MongoDB : A flexible and scalable document-oriented database for storing and managing game-related data.
- The source code of the client application is shared here.