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Flaskr with NGINX Unit in Docker

This repository contains the Flaskr blog application from the official Flask tutorial, adapted to run in a production environment using NGINX Unit and Docker. These modifications enable the Flaskr app to be deployed with NGINX Unit as the application server, providing a robust and scalable setup while keeping the codebase familiar to those following the tutorial.


This project only adapts the Flaskr tutorial app to run with NGINX Unit. For a truly production-ready application, there are several important considerations:

  • Use a production-grade relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL instead of SQLite.
  • The app’s SECRET_KEY is hardcoded as "dev," which is a security risk. Set a dynamic value for SECRET_KEY in your configuration.

These and other details are mentioned in the official Flask tutorial. The purpose of this repository is solely to demonstrate deploying the project with NGINX Unit, keeping the rest of the code familiar for those following the tutorial.


Be sure to use the same version of the code as the version of the docs you're reading. You probably want the latest tagged version, but the default Git version is the main branch.

# clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd flask
# checkout the correct version
$ git tag  # shows the tagged versions
$ git checkout latest-tag-found-above
$ cd examples/tutorial

Create a virtualenv and activate it:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate

Or on Windows cmd:

$ py -3 -m venv .venv
$ .venv\Scripts\activate.bat

Install Flaskr:

$ pip install -e .

Or if you are using the main branch, install Flask from source before installing Flaskr:

$ pip install -e ../..
$ pip install -e .


$ flask --app flaskr init-db
$ flask --app flaskr run --debug

Open in a browser.


$ pip install '.[test]'
$ pytest

Run with coverage report:

$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage report
$ coverage html  # open htmlcov/index.html in a browser


  1. Build the Docker image:

    $ docker build -t unit-flask-docker .
  2. Run the Docker container:

    $ docker run --rm -p 80:80 unit-flask-docker

Open in a browser.