This repository holds my interpretation of MVC pattern on Android. Sample application shows clean solution of some common problems:
- displaying refresh indicator after screen rotation.
- storing only one instance of object, even if lots of views uses it.
- updating view state after model has changed, even if lots of views uses it.
- passing object between Fragment, Activities, View etc.
Activities are containers for Fragments. Fragments handle lifecycle of views. After Views creation, they are subscribed to listen for ScreenState changes. Likewise, before Views destruction, they are unsubscribed to prevent memory leaks.
Every model is stored in singleton called Storage. It provides basic methods to get item with id, write it, or update. There are two types of items:
- which represents current state of a screen (information like: is progress bar visible?; is animation running?; what's scroll position?) and holds list of ItemModels ids.ItemModel
- contains data used for filling one view. When model changes, it notifies corresponding ScreenStates to update themselves.
- Group of Views. updates itselve with data from ScreenState. Passes ItemModels ids to its children.View
- after update trigger, it gets ItemModel from Storage, and displays the data.
Each controller contains list of static methods used for changing models inside Storage
Copyright 2015 Lucas Urbas
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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