Meth10X (old name: WGBSX10) is a pipeline of parallel alignment of whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) or nucleosome occupancy and DNA methylation (NOMEseq) from inputs as fastq files of multi samples (approx. 8-16 samples with more than 20X coverage for each) and generating:
- An HTML report of quality control detail metrics: percent mapped reads, methylation average of CpG and non-CpG, bisulfite conversion rate, CpG islands/shores bias, coverage bias between all sites and CpG sites, percent SNP overlapping with CpG sites, Top 5 SNPs in each sample.
- MDS plots to compare among samples
- DNA methylation distribution plots of all CpG sites, CpG island sites, CpG shore sites...
- A tsv big table of CG/CHH/CHG with filtered/unfiltered SNP
- SNP calling
- PMD, LMR, UMR, HMR calling
- Bigwig files of whole genome coverage, only CpG coverage, CpG methylation of each sample for IGV visualization of these samples
Meth10X is designed for running on cluster such as SGE/PBS. It requires 4GB of memory to maintain the running of the whole workflow.
Meth10X helps to speed up the whole workflow of high coverage WGBS as well as enhance the accurate of methylation and SNP calling.
Meth10X is built based on in-house bash/python/perl/R script, Bpipe and a collection of software packages:
- [bwa, 0.7.9a] https://github.com/lh3/bwa
- [bwa-meth, 0.10] https://github.com/brentp/bwa-meth
- [samtools, 1.4] https://github.com/samtools/
- [tabix, 1.4] https://github.com/samtools/tabix
- [qualimap, 2.2.1] http://qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es/
- [SAMStat, 1.08] http://samstat.sourceforge.net/
- [picardtools, 2.3.0] https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard
- [bedtools, 2.22.0] https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2
- [Bpipe,] https://github.com/ssadedin/bpipe
- [bamUtil, 1.0.7] https://github.com/statgen/bamUtil
- [MethylDackel, 0.2.0] https://github.com/dpryan79/MethylDackel
- [Biscuit, 0.2.0] https://github.com/zwdzwd/biscuit
- [MethylSeekR, 1.0] https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/MethylSeekR
- [Vcf-tools, 0.1.15] https://github.com/vcftools
- [fastqc, 0.11.5] http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/
- [trimCEGX, 1.0] https://github.com/luuloi/trim.paired.read
- [makeFullDataFrame, 1.0] https://github.com/luuloi/make.full.data.frame
- [merge_columns_multi_tsv, 1.0] https://github.com/luuloi/merge_columns_multi_tsv
- [UCSC-format-file-converter, 1.0] http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/
- [ggplot2] https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2
- [BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.version] https://github.com/Przemol/BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.version
- [GenomicRanges] https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/GenomicRanges
- [rtracklayer] https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/rtracklayer
- [python modules] configobj, argparse
- Java version >= 1.8
- All the above listed software packages, here are some commands to install python and R packages
- [python version >= 2.7.6]
- pip install configobj argparse
- [R version >= 3.1.2]
- source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
- biocLite(c("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", "rtracklayer", "GenomicRanges", "MethylSeekR"))
- install.packages(c("ggplot2", "data.table", "ggfortify", "knitr"))
- [python version >= 2.7.6]
- git clone git@github.com:luuloi/Meth10X.git
- or
- git clone https://github.com/luuloi/Meth10X.git
Inputs require
- Paired fastq files in .gz format for each sample
- Filled sample config file, example https://github.com/luuloi/WGBSX10/blob/master/config/sample.Test_ProstateC.config
- Filled system config file, example https://github.com/luuloi/WGBSX10/blob/master/config/system.Test_ProstateC.config
- Note:
- The fastq files are located in project/raw/LNCaP/lane1/lane1_R1.fastq.gz, project/raw/sample/lane2/lane1_R2.fastq.gz of each sample.
- Lane and sample name should not have any dots '.' in it.
First Run [TODO]
- Indexing the human genome/or download the indexed genome before alignment
- Run the pipeline: https://github.com/luuloi/WGBSX10/blob/master/example/example.sh
module load phuluu/python/2.7.8
module load gi/java/jdk1.8.0_25
module load phuluu/bpipe/
mkdir -p Test_ProstateC/raw
copy fastq files to Test_ProstateC/raw as following
- cp sample1/lane1/*.fastq Test_ProstateC/raw/sample1/lane1/
- cp sample1/lane2/*.fastq Test_ProstateC/raw/sample1/lane2/
- cp sample2/lane1/*.fastq Test_ProstateC/raw/sample2/lane1/
- ....
python "WGBS10X/pipe/run_Bpipe.py" "WGBS10X/config/sample.Test_ProstateC.config" "WGBS10X/config/system.Test_ProstateC.config"
Second Run
module load phuluu/python/2.7.8
module load gi/java/jdk1.8.0_25
module load phuluu/bpipe/
python "WGBS10X/pipe/run_Bpipe.py" "WGBS10X/config/sample.Prostate.config" "WGBS10X/config/system.Prostate.config"
HTML report
CpG big table contain the count of C and coverage of all CpG sites in the reference genome similar to CHG and CHH big table
#chr position LNCaP.C LNCaP.cov PrEC_1.C PrEC_1.cov PrEC.C PrEC.cov chr1 10469 10 11 2 12 3 14 chr1 10471 15 15 1 14 2 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
CpG big table [filtered out CpG overlapping with SNP] contain the count of C and coverage of all CpG sites in the reference genome [LNCaP having SNP at postion chr1:10471 therefore this CpG methylation value is ommitted ]
#chr position LNCaP.C LNCaP.cov PrEC_1.C PrEC_1.cov PrEC.C PrEC.cov chr1 10469 10 11 2 12 3 14 chr1 10471 0 0 1 14 2 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Alignment pipeline
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