Lottery Pools: Winning More by Interpolating Tickets without Increasing Training or Inference Cost
Lu Yin, Shiwei Liu, Meng Fang, Tianjin Huang, Vlado Menkovski, Mykola Pechenizkiy
Abstract: Lottery tickets (LTs) is able to discover accurate and sparse subnetworks that could be trained in isolation to match the performance of dense networks. Ensemble, in parallel, is one of the oldest time-proven tricks in machine learning to improve performance by combining the output of multiple independent models. However, the benefits of ensemble in the context of LTs will be diluted since ensemble does not directly lead to stronger sparse subnetworks, but leverages their predictions for a better decision. In this work, we first observe that directly averaging the weights of the adjacent learned subnetworks significantly boosts the performance of LTs. Encouraged by this observation, we further propose an alternative way to perform an 'ensemble' over the subnetworks identified by iterative magnitude pruning via a simple interpolating strategy. We call our method Lottery Pools. In contrast to the naive ensemble which brings no performance gains to each single subnetwork, Lottery Pools yields much stronger sparse subnetworks than the original LTs without requiring any extra training or inference cost. Across various modern architectures on CIFAR-10/100 and ImageNet, we show that our method achieves significant performance gains in both, in-distribution and out-of-distribution scenarios. Impressively, evaluated with VGG-16 and ResNet-18, the produced sparse subnetworks outperform the original LTs by up to 1.88% on CIFAR-100 and 2.36% on CIFAR-100-C; the resulting dense network surpasses the pre-trained dense-model up to 2.22% on CIFAR-100 and 2.38% on CIFAR-100-C.
This code base is created by Lu Yin during his Ph.D. at Eindhoven University of Technology.
This repository contains implementaions of sparse training methods: Lottery Tickets, Lottery Tickets with rewinding, Lottery Pools
The library requires Python 3.7, PyTorch v1.10.0, and CUDA v11.3.1. Other version of Pytorch should also work.
Options for creating lottery tickets
* --pruning_times - overall times of IMP pruning
* --rate - percentage of rate that has been pruned during each IMP pruning
* --prune_type - type of prune. Choose from lt (naive lottery tickets), rewind_lt (lottery tickets with rewinding)
* --rewind_epoch - epochs of rewinding
Options for lottery pools
* --search_num - the count of candidate lotter pools for interpolation
* --EMA_value -EMA factor for interpolation
* --interpolate_method - interpolation method, choices=['Lottery_pools','interpolate_ema', 'interpolate_swa']
* --interpolation_value_list - the candidate coefficient pools for interpolation
python -u --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --arch resnet18 --seed 41 --prune_type rewind_lt --rewind_epoch 9 --pruning_times 19
checkpoint=the path of CIFAR LTs solutions checkpoints
python --interpolate_method Lottery_pools --rewind_epoch 9 --search_num 19 --interpolation_value_list 0.5 --arch resnet18 --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --seed 41 --inference --checkpoint $checkpoint
python --interpolate_method Lottery_pools --rewind_epoch 9 --search_num 19 --interpolation_value_list 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 --arch resnet18 --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --seed 41 --inference --checkpoint $checkpoint
python --interpolate_method liner_inter --rewind_epoch 9 --search_num 19 --arch resnet18 --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --seed 41 --inference --checkpoint $checkpoint
python --interpolate_method interpolate_swa --rewind_epoch 9 --search_num 19 --arch resnet18 --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --seed 41 --inference --checkpoint $checkpoint
python --interpolate_method interpolate_ema --rewind_epoch 9 --search_num 19 --EMA_value 0.95 --arch resnet18 --data ../data --dataset cifar100 --seed 41 --inference --checkpoint $checkpoint
Please ref the OpenLTH framework created by Jonathan Frankle
cd ImageNet
save_dir=the path of imagenet LTs solution checkpoints
data= tht path imagenet dataset
python $ --nproc_per_node 2 $ --save_dir $save_dir $2 $data --interpolation_value_list 0.5 --seed 17 --master_port 8020 -j32 -p 500 --arch imagenet_resnet_18 --interpolate_method Lottery_pools
python $ --nproc_per_node 2 $ --save_dir $save_dir $2 $data --interpolation_value_list 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 --seed 17 --master_port 8020 -j32 -p 500 --arch imagenet_resnet_18 --interpolate_method Lottery_pools
python $ --nproc_per_node 2 $ --save_dir $save_dir $2 $data --interpolation_value_list 0.5 --seed 17 --master_port 8020 -j32 -p 500 --arch imagenet_resnet_18 --interpolate_method interpolate_swa
python $ --nproc_per_node 2 $ --save_dir $save_dir $2 $data --interpolation_value_list 0.5 --seed 17 --master_port 8020 -j32 -p 500 --arch imagenet_resnet_18 --interpolate_method interpolate_ema
if you find this repo is helpful, please cite
title={Lottery Pools: Winning More by Interpolating Tickets without Increasing Training or Inference Cost},
author={Yin, Lu and Liu, Shiwei and Meng, Fang and Huang, Tianjin and Menkovski, Vlado and Pechenizkiy, Mykola},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.10842},