This plugin is in the early testing stages, but feel free to sneak a peek and download the latest pre-release.
- Q: "Can I use this privately or even to make content for twitter clout?"
- A: Yes. See the End User License for details if you're still not sure.
- Requires BepInEx 5.4
- Requires BepInEx.Configuration.Json 0.5.0-alpha
- Requires UniverseUGUI 1.6.4-alpha.2
- Requires CM3D2.UGUI 0.1.4-alpha.2
- Improved physics with COM3D2.TimeDependentPhysics.Plugin (optional)
- COM3D2.SmoothAnimation may interfere or override the settings of ButtJiggle. If some settings don't seem to work correctly, (e.g. Clothed Stiffness), disable settings in SmoothAnim until it works again.