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A project measuring Real-time Transit Apps' (RTA) impact on the transit user's behavior.


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In this project, we will use GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) real-time to simulate RTA (real-time transit apps) users and non-RTA users' waiting time difference.

Environment setups

Before executing the codes, please make sure you install MongoDB, Python (and pyMongo library in Python), and a reliable MongoDB management tools. To execute the codes, you should have several Mongo Databases ready.

1. GTFS Real-time

1.1. You need to collect data from the streaming API. Better solution will be a server with python script catching real-time feed and add to a Mongodb database.
1.2. After getting the huge streaming database, run scr/database/ to divide the huge collection into several individual collection of each day.
1.3. Then, run to find the most accurate time from the real-time data.

After running all of these above, you should be able to get a database of each day's all trips' real departure/arrival time at each stop. Please be advised that this time is independent from the GTFS static (though when the PT system agency is producing and streaming the real-time data, they will try to make them consistent), which means we can do all of these above regardless of the GTFS static data.

2. GTFS Static

2.1. Get GTFS static from an online source (a zip file) and store it to a Mongo database with each file in the zip as a collection. 2.2. You may want to revise these scripts since pratically I did not write these scripts. I only use these data exported from the data server. I used "collection_name"+ "_"+timestamp to name the collection to avoid ambiguous naming. The timestamp is the time when the gtfs static changed.
3.2 Create indexes. Indexes can magnificantly improve the performance of those scripts. Try run scr/database/
These indexes are:

database collection indexes
trip_update today_date trip_id
cota_real_time R + today_date trip_id + stop_id; stop_id + trip_sequence

3. Additional GTFS Static

After finishing II: 3.1. Run scr/transfer/ to generate the trip_seq collection, which represents the sequence of each route's trips. For example, route 1 will go through stop "RIVHOSW". And there will be several different buses with different trip_id. Then trip_seq collection is to record these trips' temporal sequence at this stop. The sequence will start from 0.
3.2 Create indexes, again. Indexes can magnificantly improve the performance of those scripts. Try run scr/database/
These indexes are:

collection indexes
stop_times trip_id + stop_id;
stops stops_id;
trip_seq service_id + stop_id + route_id + trip_id; trip_id + stop_id; service_id + stop_id + route_id + seq_id;
trip trip_id + service_id; service_id + route_id;

Project scopes

1. PR (Prudent Relaxation) TPS (Trip Planning Strategy) optimization

First, we would like to optimize PR's waiting time over IB (insurance buffer).

2. Cross-compare different TPSs' waiting time difference

There are several TPSs to be compared:

TPS RTI support? Database location (daily, final version)
PR family yes cota_pr_optimization/today_date + "_" + buffer
PR optimal yes cota_pr_optimization_result/today_date + "_reval_max"
GR (formerly known as RR) yes cota_pr_optimization/today_date + "_" + 0
------------- -------------
ER family no cota_er_validation/ "er_min_" + memory + "_" + today_date
ER optimal no cota_er_validation/ "er_min_" + 6 + "_" + today_date
AR no cota_ar
NR no everywhere

3. Visualization of waiting time, waiting time difference, and IBs

Database explanation



  • Arranged as collection_name + "_" + timestamp
  • All standard GTFS files
  • A supplemented collection of trip_seq collection.


  • Real-time database of every day
  • Joint with other GTFS database for query purposes. stop, trip, stop_time
  • collection name: "R" + today_date
  • trip_sequence: the trip's sequence at the stop in the trip sequence array
  • stop_sequence: the stop's sequence within this trip
  • seq: the sequential number in the GTFS real-time trip update feed. It is the order number of the target stop in the closest feed. The smaller the number is, the more accruate the time should be.



  • Each collection is a buffer's daily performance, for PR optimization - calculation.


  • Each collection of (today_date + "_opt_risk_averse"): for PR optimization - optimize. time_smart: user's arrival time at the stop
    time_alt: bus's departure time from the stop
    time_actual: bus's actual departure time
    time_normal: bus's schedule time & NR users' arrival time at the stop

  • pr_opt_ibs_risk_averse: for PR optimization - finalize.

  • Each collection of (today_date + "_reval_max"): for PR optimization - revalidate.



  • There's no "schedule" for AR.
  • Each today_date collection: AR validation


** Directly use PR optimization's collection ** Find the collection at cota_pr_optimization/today_date + "_" + 0


** cota_er_optimization ** Contain the "schedule" for each day and each memory peroid.

** cota_er_validation ** The results of the ER validation for each schedule.


The final result should be visualized thru a web interface or output from console. ** cota_diff ** Join all TPSs' validation result into a single collection for a day. ** cota_diff_reduce ** Reduce every day's data into one collection.

Code sequence/dependence

1. PR optimization First, we need to validate each stop_time in GTFS with 10 minutes walking range.
Run this code and the raw optimization results are in cota_pr_optimization database, with collection name of today_date + "_" + walking _time.

For each buffer In the possible buffer list:
   For each date In Date list:
      For each GTFS trip In the trip list:
         Query all real-time and scheduled time;
         For each stop On the GTFS trip:
            Find the scheduled time T_sc;
            Find the real-time time T;
            For each walking time from 0 to 10:
               Find the RTA users’ arrival time t;
               Find the actual departure time T(t) correspondingly; After validating each stop_time in GTFS, find the optimal one with minimal waiting time for each stop_time. Run this code and the optimized results (minimal waiting time and corresponding IB) will be stored in cota_pr_optimization_result database with collection name of todaydate + "_opt_risk_averse". You may encounter historic version of todaydate + "_opt", which is derived by averaging and not useable anymore. Will create index (stop_id and trip_id). Then, reduce every day's optimal IB into a day's schedule. Using maximum reducing rules. We tried average rule, but turns out the miss risk is high.
The results will be stored in the cota_pr_optimization_result database with collection name of pr_opt_ibs_risk_averse. The legacy version of "pr_opt_ibs" is not useful. Validate every day's stop_time again to test the effectiveness of the PR optimal strategy. The result will be in cota_pr_optimization database with collection name of today_date + "_reval_max". "risk_averse" series will follow average rule, thus the results are not good.

Find corresponding TPS's code in their folder and database when analyzing. E.g.: AR (scr/AR, cota_ar), ER (scr/ER, cota_er), PR_optimal (scr/PR, cota_pr_optimization_result/today_date + "_reval_max"). If you need GR (RR), just use collection with name of today_date + "_0" in the cota_pr_optimization database.

2. Cross-compare different TPSs' waiting time difference

The codes is in scr/diff.
First, you need to run diff_join to join other TPSs' validated results to the PR optimal's table and insert the new table to database cota_diff and collection "MX_" + today_date. Second, reduce daily raw data into a single table. The results will be stored in database cota_diff_reduced. Max is always the right one. The database of cota_diff_reduced is also the database for the REST API.

3. Visualization of waiting time, waiting time difference, and IBs.

Due to the special purposes of this project, I did not know any existing interface that can effectively visualize these data. This is exactly the purpose of the visualization. Subsequently, I developed this web-based interface.
To make it working, you need to first install a python library Eve, which is a Python REST API library. Then, open visualization/REST_API to open an entry for an database. The code will stream all collection in the database, explicitly.

For more information, edit main.js to modify the functionality. I used Bootleaf templete.


A project measuring Real-time Transit Apps' (RTA) impact on the transit user's behavior.







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