- Sign up/ sign in for employees and customers
- Employees can view data of customers
- Further requirements
- We will use vuetify, vuex and vue router for this project, you can find more information about these plugins at the References section
- First intial version of BK-Med (26/11/2020)
You must have NodeJS environment for running and testing purpose.
First step, clone this repository to your computer
Second step, open the terminal with the address is the folder which you just have cloned
Third step, feel free for using these command as its purpose
$ npm run serve
$ npm run build
$ npm run lint
- https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/introduction.html (don't be mistaken with VueJS 2.0, it would sometimes make syntax deprecated)
- https://vuetifyjs.com/en/ (vuetify will be use as this project ui library)
- https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/ (vuex will be use as this project state management)
- https://router.vuejs.org/guide/ (vue router will be use as this project router)