14 Aug. 2014: Losing job. Finding new opportunity! (Find my profile at researchgate and linkedin)
ADS-B out is verified by HACKRF --> air --> rtl-sdr dongle.
See adsb directory and video:
http://youtu.be/xpLDqBkUiKc (out of China)
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE4NzIzNDIw.html (in China)
Playing with GNSS/GPS by HACKRF and rtl-sdr SDR.
Type "make" to generate "gps_test" program.
--------------------------offline simulation--------------------------
gps_test gps_sig_tmp.bin 2.046e6 8.184e6 5000
gps_sig_tmp.bin can be generated by gps_sig_gen.m (MATLAB).
2.046e6: carrier frequency
8.184e6: sampling rate
5000: maximum frequency offset for frequency searching
gps_test gps.samples.1bit.I.fs5456.if4092.bin 4.092e6 5.456e6 5000
gps.samples.1bit.I.fs5456.if4092.bin can be downloaded: http://www.jks.com/gps/gps.html
-------------------------over the air test----------------------------
*playback gps.samples.1bit.I.fs5456.if4092.bin(http://www.jks.com/gps/gps.html)
run gps_bin1bit_log2bin.m to generate HACKRF playback file: gps.samples.8bit.IQ.fs5456.baseband.bin
use gps_Nottingham.grc to playback gps.samples.8bit.IQ.fs5456.baseband.bin
use rtl-sdr to capture signal: rtl_sdr -g 60 -f 1575.42e6 -s 2.8e6 -n 19.2e6 rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz.bin
use proc_rtl_bin_for_gps('rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz.bin') to get 1bit bin to feed into gps_test program
see C/A result: gps_test rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz_1bit.bin 0.62e6 2.8e6 100000
C/a results are equal to http://www.jks.com/gps/gps.html
*playback gps_sig_tmp_for_hackrf_tx.bin (generated by gps_sig_gen.m) to air by gps.grc.
capture air signal by:
rtl_sdr -g 60 -f 1574.8e6 -s 2.8e6 -n 19.2e6 rtl_2.8Msps_1574.8MHz.bin
convert capture to 1bit bin file needed by gps_test:
proc_rtl_bin_for_gps('rtl_2.8Msps_1574.8MHz.bin'); (MATLAB)
RUN: gps_test rtl_2.8Msps_1574.8MHz_1bit.bin 0.62e6 2.8e6 100000
capture air signal by:
rtl_sdr -g 60 -f 1575.42e6 -s 2.8e6 -n 19.2e6 rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz.bin
convert capture to 1bit bin file needed by gps_test:
proc_rtl_bin_for_gps('rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz.bin'); (MATLAB)
RUN: gps_test rtl_2.8Msps_1575.42MHz_1bit.bin 0.62e6 2.8e6 100000