Have a local postgres DB running.
In the
directory create a.env
file where you must add the following postgres variable:HOST=localhost # host of the postgres DB, if it is run locally, leave localhost USER=<username> PASSWORD=<password> DB=<name> PG_PORT=5432 # port of the postgres DB, default is 5432 PORT=3070 # port of the server to run at
From the root of the project navigate to
directory and run the following:npm install npm run start
From the root of the project navigate to
directory and run the following:npm install npm run dev
Project is divided into 3 separate containers: the Angular application, the NodeJS backend, and the postgres database.
We use docker-compose to streamline this multi-container setup.
An additional requirement is to have a .end.prod
file in the server
directory that holds all the needed environment variables.
To build and run the containers:
docker-compose --env-file ./server/.env.prod build
docker-compose --env-file ./server/.env.prod up -d
or the one-liner version
docker-compose --env-file ./server/.env.prod up -d --build
To stop use:
docker-compose --env-file ./server/.env.prod down --volumes
The volumes flag should also remove any volumes (e.q. database data). You could use the Docker Desktop application to manage the containers, images, volumes.