- Python 3 on linux and windows (mac not tested)
- Flask (virtual environment or globally)
- Install all the requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Firebase account
- Pushy account
2. Comment the line SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = uri
and uncomment SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///test.db"
in config.py
flask db init
- initializing flask-migrateflask db migrate
- create migrationflask db upgrade
- make the databasepython run.py
- run the app- Visit this link to see the website
DATABASE_URL= "heroku database url" # leave this if not using heroku
# You can get all these from firebase console
- python3
- flask as backend
- flask-sqlalchemy as orm
- flask-socketIO
- pyrebase4 for connecting to fireabase to save user image
- other third party modules like wtforms, flask-Migrate, flask_login
- Used Sqlite (for development) and postgresql (for production)
- HTML, CSS, JS, JQUERY, bootstrap
- PushySdk for push notification
- Full authentication system
- Email verification through otp
- Forgot password and reset email
- Add profile pic
- fully responsive
- Messages saved in the database
- Delete chat for everyone
- Delete chat for me
- block user
- User Status - (like idle, online, offline, typing)
- Shows number of unseen message on the users page
- Notification tune on recieving message
- Push Notification facility for one device
Note - The app is still under development. So you may see some bugs. Please contact me when you come across any.
Contributions are highly appreciated. If you want to contribute first fork the repo. And then make your changes. Now make a pull request stating the changes you made. I will review it and if it looks good to I will accept it and merge.
You can contact charchit#8198
on discord or email at charchit.dahiya@gmail.com or even chat with me on the same app.